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C&C Please. Newbro not really sure what will make this better.

polycounter lvl 7
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MrRstar polycounter lvl 7
I did this a while ago and haven't done much in the way of game art since. Games are what i'd rather be doing but have been finding too many things to do with 3D printing. 

There are several things i'd do differently like separating the broken parts at the top of the tree trunk arms. But other pointers to take it to the next step would be awesome. I'll be around a lot more in the future.

Also, I didn't see any posting rules for this sub. I'll fix anything I may have done wrong.


  • liketotallyakid
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    liketotallyakid polycounter lvl 6
    first of all it looks awesome, so i definitely think you should keep going with it from here. most important piece of advice i could give you is try to make it look cinematic. game or not, it should be there either way.

    1. everything looks the same; there's detail everywhere. when i first saw it i didn't know where to look. nothing stood out since everything was flat.
    2. instead of having even lighting over everything, find something more dramatic to draw attention to a specific part of the character, and have everything else be subtle, even barely visible so that you see it only after you've looked at only one thing in the image.
    3. please add some sort of background to help it pop. it sounds weird, but you'll be surprised at how a little time spent in improving the character's presentation will give you better results.

    I look forward to seeing what you come up with, all the best to you!
  • MrRstar
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    MrRstar polycounter lvl 7
    Thank you very much!

    Painting lighting in general seems to be where i have a harder time. Where is the best place to go to learn more? or is it a, 'keep trying and eventually it will click' thing?
  • liketotallyakid
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    liketotallyakid polycounter lvl 6
    honestly lighting is probably my strongest weakness, but what really helped is watching digital painters talk about lighting in random online tutorials. and there are a few workflows you learn when doing it too. like the most important thing about it is guiding the eye of the viewer, so that's what you should be thinking about all the time.

    when you think about it in therms of composition, you can have a few steps to follow:
    1 - pick the most important part of the image and add a light to show only that
    2 - choose the next most important thing and then add light there, but not as much
    3 - show off the rest of the model with other little lights, or bigger bigger ones, as long as you create some contrast.

    then imagine what happens when someone sees the image. brightest spot? that's where the attention goes, then gently follows along with the rest of the image. it's beautiful to try and craft that, so just learn to have fun with it. 
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