I have been working on some environments, that is heavily inspired by the Star Citizen world.
I would love some critique on everything if possible

The hallway and four way connecter room are suppose to be a bit grungy in texture. While the crew quaters are more clean.
Currently one of the areas that i am working on. It´s the private quaters for the crew. Main inspiration is from the Starfarer.

Straight hallway that is connected to the fourway room or any future room that work with it.

Four way connector room, with four doors and two downward escape areas.

I am not really that happy with the current decals and wanted to test out the POM approach more so i used my morning on making a master material for practice. Not sure if im going to use it.
A little nitpick on my end but overall fantastic work.
Johan26. Thanks alot!
I finally had some time to work on this environment again, I got some solid feed back from Matthew Trevelyan to focus more on dramatic lighting. I am going to redo the light in the Fourway connecting room. Any feedback is as always very welcome