Hello everybody!
Here is my assault rifle concept. I've already done design, appearance and internal mechanics. I'm working on presentation right now and I need your advices, critiques and other thoughs about this stuff.
I wanted to create a beliveable concept of sci-fi assault rifle. It was very interesting for me, because I really like guns and another stuff. Therefore I wanted to create exactly firearm (not a plasmagun, laser pewpew etc), because it's a challenge for me.

I started from these sketches:

I liked thumbnail №5. And here some variations:

Then, I continued to design it in Zbrush:

And then I finalized it in SpaceClaim:

Then I exported mesh to 3ds max for scene setup, rig and material layout:

Here is the bolt carrier group with charging handle (for manual reload) and pneumatic system (for "hands free reload"): cylinders, hoses, pipes and airtank:

And here is a draft animations:
A bolt rig:

Manual reload:

Magazine release button:

Unlocking the receiver lock:

Pneumatic reloading cycle:

Changing view from FPS view to Ironsight view:

After that I made all materials in Keyshot for few color shemes:

Finally, I started to make a presentation:

Oh, that was a long way. But it's not finished, because I'm working on a second part of presentation right now:

And I stuck with a light setup. I made a few various light presets:

And I have a question for you: which light preset do you like? And why?
Also I really interested to see any your thoughts about this concept, critiques etc. Cheers!
I didn't work with topology. I exported all objects from SpaceClaim as OBJ with default presets (because SpaceClaim crashed every time with any different export presets). And I get this one:
More than that, SpaceClaim automaticly does the UV's for all surfaces:
Yes, It isn't an ideal result, but it enough for my concept purposes.
Thank you, Ben! Your answer is very important for me!
Do you have any thoughts about this stuff?
PS: Now I'm choosing between 9 and 10. 7 is good on barrel, but it has so bright highlight. Oh... I stuck again.
There is some gifs from my promo video with this gun:
Looking forward to seeing the final renders.
I like the top lighting in #9
Small crit tho (that could amount to a lot of work), an "in-game" situation for the gun would break away from the constant sliding of the gun. (also maybe flip the sliding so it doesn't always move to the left?)
Again, well done!
I'd pay for a good tutorial going in depth about rigging these things...
Would you be able to try a darker background with a circular gradient going from light to dark coming from the middle?
The presentation is also on point
Its cool that you go nearly all the way with the functionality, still I would be wondering how it would look if weight and dirt accumulation in the obvious spots had been a bigger consideration. Also the holographic ammo counter could as well be just on a display at the position of the projector, currently both overlap and the holographic is redundant (and is adding a lot of visual noise in first person), enemies maybe could even see it. The frame around the barrel and the muzzle brake seem very heavy and large while offering no features whatsoever. I would expect some picantinny rails, or another kind of modularity for attachments, or at least ergonomic features as it naturally acts as front handle. Stripping more down to the necessities and keeping weight more in mind with a lighter frame will get you even further to a realistic portrayal, assuming that is what you want to go for in the future. Keep it up +
PS: Thank you for your comments and advices!
Thank you beefaroni for interesting idea with dark background!
Can't wait.
Those animations are pure mechanical joy. *-*
NB: You can watch this project on Artstation
Thank you for watching! I have a bonus for you: a "How it works" video.
This is...absolutely amazing. I've been dabbling in 3D for just over 2 1/2 years now and stuff like this is amazingly inspirational, well done!!
I'm very interested in knowing how to to design hard-surface assets. How did your learn to create your own concepts?
Oh... It took a lot of time, because it was a my personal project, I had a fun and I didn't control my time. More than that, I had few 1-3 weeks pauses for a work, vacations and other projects. So, I started to make it at October 4th, and I finally did it at May 17th. Yeah, this is an extremely long time period for one concept, but I really like the final result (it's a very uncommon for me).
I learn to create my own concepts all of my life, lol =D. And I'm learning now and I will learn it till I die. There are a many ways, like a tutorials, online classes, analysis of other's works, working in CG-industry after all. I used them all, but I think online classes and working with professionals are the most effective ways.
What software did you use?
I used Photoshop for sketching, compositing and postprocessing; Zbrush for 3d mockup; SpaceClaim for 3d model finalizing; Keyshot for rendering. You can watch all process shots here.
Incredible details and presentation. Feels like this rifle would be actually build.
The ammunition is a bit boring, but that is nitpicking.