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Stylized Female Anatomy - Critique Request

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Druel null
Working on on a stylized female model and I wanted to get some critique on my anatomy that it feels right before I start concepting out the clothes and such. 

any critique is greatly appreciated


  • oreoorbitz
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    oreoorbitz polycounter lvl 9
    Hi, its hard for me to analyze stylized anatomy becuase im only just starting to get a grasp on anatomy, so i'm not all to confident on the proper way to stylize anatomy.

    Having said, here are some thoughts:

    The upper lip is probably too big compared to the lower lip

    The planes and structure of the nose aren't correct. makes the nose look bumpy, which isn't good on a female.

    Take a look at the underlying structure

    Not my forte, but the most glaring would be the calves shouldn't be almost as thick as the theighs.
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