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polycounter lvl 2
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Greenhatter polycounter lvl 2

Hey guys,

This is my first asset made from start to finish outside of a tutorial. There is a lot I'd still love to add to it and parts of it I'd already like to improve about it. But I'm guessing that is always how one feels about a project. Time to move to the next project.

This was inspired by, and based on, THIS incredible concept painting by John Liberto. Please stop by his artstation and take a look at it. Go for the painting, stay for the tons of other amazing art of his!

I learned a huge amount throughout the course of working on this and want to say thank you to John and to the Modo community for offering so many good learning opportunities for an upstart to devour!

Feedback is welcome!

My Artstation: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/Do69G
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