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Merril the brawler gnome

polycounter lvl 10
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JRay polycounter lvl 10
Hey polycount. It's time for me to stop lurking so much and actually post some stuff so I'm starting with this character. I've been making this character in my free time. I wanted to make a brawler type gnome character that was short and stalky. I designed a lot of the armor off of football gear and I'm planning on making it look more medieval styled with leather and metal. I think I'm done with the armor unless there's something you guys think should be changed. I'm currently retopologizing the gnome so I can finish out the skin details. I'm debating how to do the hair, currently I'm thinking I'll do it with hair cards. I want to also learn some face rigging but I'm not sure how to make blendshapes and have the hair cards follow along with the underlying geometry.

Thanks for looking and feel free to give a critique!


  • JRay
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    JRay polycounter lvl 10
    Hey Dustin, thanks for the crit! Would your opinion about the chest armor change if I was to say that this character isn't supposed to seem super serious? I wanted to make him seem a bit dopey/slow and maybe a little gross with body hair. He already has his nipples peeking out under the armor so I'm not sure if that's also on line with the armor with being distracting. I definitely agree that the belt buckle can be more interesting so I'll look into what I can do on that.
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