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Lady in a hoop (anatomy study)

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jacopoS polycounter
EDIT: latest update

Hi guys,
I've been peeking into the Polycount community for some time now and I saw some pretty impressive stuff! But I never really took the chance to show anything myself. That was mostly because I was focusing on my job and I wasn't producing so much interesting stuff. :/
So, let's just fix that.

Lately I started working on this zbrush project in order to review my anatomy knowledge and hopefully I'll also be able to learn something new.
I've started by using this reference from the "Bodyes In Motion" library by Scott Eaton. I'm using that as an inspiration and a base guideline for the pose. Most of the secondary shapes, though, are being placed in there by myself. So, it's not a straight copy of the reference but rather an interpretation. As I go, I'm trying to understand what's going on with her superficial anatomy.
So far, I've been focusing on her torso, upper arms and just recently her legs.
I would really love to know what you guys think about this. Let me know if you have any critique and if you think I'm messing up something. I might even be messing up everything for what I know! :D


  • jacopoS
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    jacopoS polycounter
    Roughly plotting out the left arm...

  • HughieDM
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    HughieDM polycounter lvl 7
    Beautiful study so far! Im not an expert in anatomy so I dont have any CC for you.

    Just wanted to say Lookin good!

  • PeteJViney
    This is looking really good!! Have you been looking up aerial hoop dancers for reference?? There are certain places that you need to grip the hoop to get the right balance, but your lady is looking pretty accurate to me (my girlfriend does aerial hoop
  • jacopoS
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    jacopoS polycounter
    @HughieDM Thank you! I'm glad you like it. :)
    @PeteJViney Yes, the references I'm using are linked on top on the first post on this thread. They're from a library of photos of dancers and athletes in general. Very good stuff indeed but having a girlfriend doing aerial hoop would be even better!

    Meanwhile, I kept working on her left arm. The striation is still very apparent and I think if feels a bit unbalanced compared to the rest of the body. I'm planning on tuning it down a bit but not just yet: I still need it as a guide.

    I've also started working on the right arm. My plan with that is to get a good sense of tension of the flexors muscles.

  • jacopoS
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    jacopoS polycounter
    It's been a very buisy couple of weeks and I had to forget about this piece for a little while. I haven't forgot about it entirely though!
    I'm sharing a very small update and I hope to be able to find some more time in the near future to work on this.

    Here is a rough pass on the left hand. Still a lot of work to do...
  • jacopoS
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    jacopoS polycounter
    Some little progress on the right hand and forearm:
  • slosh
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    slosh hero character
    At a quick glance, the tricep on her left arm looks a bit strange but it's possible that is how it would flex in this situation.  
  • jacopoS
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    jacopoS polycounter
    @slosh Thank you very much for your opinion! I'll double check the left tricep with the reference (link here). Would you please point out what exactly is not convincing you about the tricep shape? This way I can better interpret your comment ;)

  • jacopoS
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    jacopoS polycounter
    So, it's taking me a while for each update because unfortunately I'm only able to find a few hours per week to work on this project.
    Anyway, I've checked the lef upper arm shape and I realized it was probably way too tapered overall. So I reshaped it a bit. Hopefully it's more convincing now.

    I'm also reworking the back a bit since I wasn't happy with the way it looked. I still get the sensation I'm not nailing it so I guess I'll have to study harder. If you guys have any suggestion or critiques, I'm all ears. :)

  • jacopoS
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    jacopoS polycounter
    Some general refinement on her torso:

    Also, some work on her face:
  • jacopoS
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    jacopoS polycounter
    More general refinement:
    I've been mostly working on the back, the shoulders, the rib cage, and the left external oblique.
    I also modified the shape of the eyes since I think they were looking really bad from the front view... :/
    The hair also was refined a bit but I'm still far from done with that.
    I still have to work on the feet: I almost didn't touch them since the beginning!
    I'm going to get more free time in the next few months so I think I'll manage to wrap this up soon.
  • CybranM
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    CybranM interpolator
    I dont have any experience with anatomy but from my unskilled perspective the body looks great.
    The face feels off though, cant put my finger on it but something with the eyes, nose and forehead feel weird to me. The face looks too long, I think the eyes might be a smidge too high up compared to the ears.

    Looking forward to seeing more updates :smile:
  • jacopoS
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    jacopoS polycounter
    @CybranM Thank you very much for your comment!
    Yes, I agree with you, the face is not nailed at all... I'll be focusing more on that problem next. I still think the front view is particularly bad. Yet I don't dislike the profile and 3/4 views...
    Thank you again for your input!
  • Xelar
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    Xelar polycounter lvl 2
    The body looks fantastic, the only thing I would change there is making the fleshy parts of the hand wrap around hoop so it really looks like she's holding it. The face definitely did look weird from the front. I think it comes from a bunch of things.
    1. the middle part of her face is too tall compared to the rest
    2. The eyesocket is rather small, the pupil and iris are too big for the eyeball
    3. the teeth are too narrow, the shape of the lip is oddly curved
    I did a quick paintover to show you, the lips still look a lil weird though.

  • jacopoS
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    jacopoS polycounter
    @Xelar Thank you for taking the time to make that paintover! I'll be definitely keeping your feedback in mind while reworking the face. :)
    Yes, about the hands, I was already planning on working more on the contact folds and bulges. The same goes for the left thigh.
  • jacopoS
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    jacopoS polycounter
    Alright guys, I'm not yet done with the face but I think I'm on the right track now and wanted to share the progress:
    So far I've adjusted the overall height of the eyes and pulled them farther apart from each other, fixed the iris/sclera ratio, and studied the structure of her eye sockets a bit more.
  • jacopoS
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    jacopoS polycounter
    I'm still here guys. I just got distracted playing video games for a little while.
    Now, back to business! I'll post some updates soon. :)
  • Elithenia
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    Elithenia polycounter
    Hm, I feel like her nose and mouth are a bit too far out? Do you have a reference for the face that you are working towards?
  • jacopoS
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    jacopoS polycounter
    Hi, thank you for your comment!
    I'm mostly working from imagination on this. I'm only relying on references whenever I feel like I have to verify something...
    You might be right though! I'm having a pretty hard time trying to find some good examples of people with such a prominent maxilla...
    I think I'll just push that back a little bit. I'm still tweaking her face anyway.
    Thank you for pointing that out.
    More updates are on the way ;)
  • jacopoS
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    jacopoS polycounter
    Ok, so, I took some time to rebuild the topology in order for it to be symmetrical. This way I can use the zBrush posable symmetry. Such a nice feature! The process was kind of tedious and Maya crashed more than once but the result was worth it since now I can work on both sides at once despite the sculpt being asymmetrical. :)

    So finally I started working on her feet. That was something I almost totally neglected all this time.

    As far as the face is concerned, I've tweaked it a bit since the last update. The mouth is now whider, she has some new theeth, the jaw shape changed slightly, the eyelids shape is better defined and I took @Elithenia's suggestion and pushed the mouth and nose back a bit.

    Here some more views:

    I'm really not ready to call anything final yet so I'll just let you guys judge. ;)
  • jacopoS
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    jacopoS polycounter
    I did some more work on the face. I focused a little bit more on the cheekbones, forehead and jawline. I think it makes a pretty big difference.
    The ears are also more fleshed out now.
  • Pav3d
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    Pav3d high dynamic range
    The body anatomy is great! The muscle tension is nicely defined. The hands look a bit lose around the hoop, like theyre not properly gripping it.
    With the face id suggest putting some eyelashes on even if theyre temporary, your eyes will look off until you do. Also get some solid reference for the face, from one actress or model, otherwise you will find yourself trying to sculpt some sort of average face that will never look right.
  • jacopoS
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    jacopoS polycounter
    Hey, thank you for stopping by! I've been putting quite an effort on the body expressiveness. So I'm glad that's noticeable.
    I'm aware about the problem with the hands: that's already on my "to do" list. ;)
    I'm going to try and give her some eyelashes. It sounds like it could help.
    About the references, you certainly have a good point: not caring for a good set of references is a rookie mistake. But at the same time I really don't want her to look like anyone specific. So, if she comes across as generic, I'm actually ok with that. If she doesn't look right though, that's an entirely different story! Yet, I'm not convinced those two things are necessarely related.
    Anyway, I'll work more on her face while relying more on references and less on my memory. :)
  • jacopoS
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    jacopoS polycounter
    I did some refinement on the right hand. It should look more grippy now. The left hand will be the next.

    I think her face is pretty much fine now.
    Still no eyelashes... I'm probably not going to make them since hyperrealism is not the point of this exercise. I'm just going to refine what's left, do a couple of clay renders, and that's going to be the end of it.
  • jacopoS
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    jacopoS polycounter
    Some left hand refinement. It shouldn't look as loose anymore.
  • jacopoS
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    jacopoS polycounter
    I'm doing one last refinement pass and also some correction where needed. I realized serratus anterior was way too short on both sides. Also her left tricep was not so convincing to me so I reshaped it a little bit. I have also been very buisy working on her back. 

  • jacopoS
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    jacopoS polycounter
    Hi guys,
    lately I had some fun trying to make some suggestive renders.
    I'm going to wrap this up very soon. I don't think there's a point in dragging this wip for more than one more week now.
    I might decide to takle a proper game character next and maybe some less demanding sketches. I'll see... :)

  • jacopoS
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    jacopoS polycounter
    Almost ready to call this done.
    What do you guys think about the render? Does anyone have any compositing trick that would improve the presentation?
  • MrHobo
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    MrHobo polycounter lvl 14
    Just wanted to say that the whole process was great and you have an awesome final result, but hot damn... The last renders from the last 2 posts are fucking ACE!! Looks amazing, with great lighting too!
  • Tad
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    Tad polycounter lvl 12
    wow this is amazing. i really love the contorted stretched body position. 
    It makes the muscles look very interesting.

  • pmiller001
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    pmiller001 greentooth
    Damn! I'm tryin to get triceps like that! Great art work!
  • CybranM
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    CybranM interpolator
    Looks great man! :smile:
  • disanski
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    disanski polycounter lvl 15
    Fantastic work man!!!Love the render too

  • JTurk3D
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    JTurk3D polycounter lvl 3
    Epic work! Anatomy is really good! Biceps look really skinny in terms of it looks like there is a lack of fat. But the anatomy structure is just fantastic! I love it!
  • Boyan_Kazalov
    The anatomy looks spot on! Awesome work
  • Ouran
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    Ouran greentooth
    Pleasure for the eyes. Thanks for sharing :)
  • Maddog4america
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    Maddog4america polycounter lvl 5
    Wow thats some seriously good work
  • SaraSchwartz
    Can't express how much I love the booty on the loop ;-)
  • VinodSharma
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    VinodSharma polycounter lvl 8
    Nice work dude!!Render as well ....Looking good to me ......only one think i would say to just do a little smoother on the rib cage under the breast area ........as per my knowledge...........else looks fantastic for me  ....... :)
  • jacopoS
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    jacopoS polycounter
    Hey guys, thank you so much for all of your comments!
    I'm super glad you like my work. It really means a lot to me! :)

    From now on, I consider her officially finished. It was very fun and satisfying but now it's definitely time to move on.
    If you have any more critiques, I'll still be listening and keeping those in mind for future projects.

    So, here a bounch of renders:

  • Rsylke
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    Rsylke polycounter lvl 5
    Amazing Stuff!
  • ArtistArtorias
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    ArtistArtorias polycounter lvl 4
    Wow, turned out really well. 
  • jacopoS
  • TheRealRyan_
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    TheRealRyan_ polycounter lvl 2
    Looks great! my only questions is if you could post the references? i fell the back is very defined possibly more so that they should? 
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