Hey guys, here's a quick little character sculpt I did over the weekend. Everything was modelled/sculpted in Zbrush and then textured/rendered in Substance Painter. Hope you enjoy it! It was based on an awesome concept by Manuel Augusto Moura which can be found here: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/67/5f/32/675f328219d79c0bc4080b9e3cf7c256.jpg
I could've still spend much more time correcting problems that I didn't like, but I decided to give myself a deadline for this weekend, so there ya go
Looks good but his flesh/skin looks unnatural and stone like with the dark shadows, can you get some subsurface scattering or luminance in the shaders of the renderer maybe ? That could improve things a lot, the textures look good. Coloring the AO with a red-ish tone could also help.
i'm really liking your work on this character, i was just curious as to what your intention for the aliens personality was. was it meant to be a more aggressive/ emotionless alien because you gave it lifeless black eyes? because i think it would look better if you gave it more life like eyes with colour to give more life and personality to the alien.
I love it. has some real personality to his face that most aliens are lacking. only complaint I have is that his nostril holes aren't holes. they're just craters.
i'm really liking your work on this character, i was just curious as to what your intention for the aliens personality was. was it meant to be a more aggressive/ emotionless alien because you gave it lifeless black eyes? because i think it would look better if you gave it more life like eyes with colour to give more life and personality to the alien.
Thanks for the comment and honestly I just tried to follow the concept art as closely as possible, maybe the original artist could answer this question better. As I see it, its just an aesthetic choice. Maybe it was supposed to remind of big puppy eyes (since I perceive this alien as a friendly one)?
I love it. has some real personality to his face that most aliens are lacking. only complaint I have is that his nostril holes aren't holes. they're just craters.
Thanks, glad you like it! Good point on the nose, I ended up 3D printing the model so shallow holes worked out quite well, I should've deepened them for the renders though
And a little wire-frame shot:
only complaint I have is that his nostril holes aren't holes. they're just craters.
Thanks, glad you like it! Good point on the nose, I ended up 3D printing the model so shallow holes worked out quite well, I should've deepened them for the renders though