Hi everyone!
Finally time to start on my first environment of 2017. This is going to be one of my favorites. The Arcade was one of my favorite places ever, maybe one of the reasons I went into Games.
I'm building it in UE4 using baked lighting, I'm going to use only Substance based programs as well as Zbrush and Photoshop.
And at the end I'm going to make one of those progress gifs!

Here is the Artstation link:
https://www.artstation.com/artwork/vBQY6I'm going to update both periodically.
Cheers! And happy new year!

To be honest, at the moment, I find your layout to be quite boring. The hallway is a bit wide, doesn't quite give the clustery feel of an arcade, and I think the straight hallway is just not interesting.
Take a look at some other layouts for arcades:
An arcade can be about more than just the cabinets, get those reflective ceilings that bounce the chaotic colors back into the space, get vintage game posters and signs all over the walls, etc.
In terms of the cabinets themselves, you will probably want at least a few different modeled styles, even if its just a slightly different upright cabinet design, although driving machines or light gun machines would be cool too. This in addition to material tweaks between similar cabinets and you can get a lot of variety.
thanks for the input!
I have more stuff on ArtStation because it's faster to upload multiple screenshots at once, I'm going to update this one more.
These are great references for the layout, I'm still planning out where to put everything and also how many games to have, the angles are mostly for progress shots, I'm definitely going to add more stuff like posters and trash cans, stools, etc. I just have to get more nostalgic with everything. Maybe add some cheeto bags and cans Mountain Dew, haha can't go wrong with that!