Hey guys.
I'm working on this Ogre from Id soft's 1996 First person shooter, Quake.
My goal was to bring to life the Ogre, and give him a HD look. I wanted to push everything that is cool, and adjust everything that aged with newer technology.
In this image you can see that I've sculpted the body and painted over the top; Clothes, hair and colours. This was a rough idea of how he was going to look.

My friend did a paint over for what he thought i should do with it. What do you think?

Here's where I'm up to with the actual 3D mesh thus far:

It's taken me about 7.5 hours to get the creatures's body. Could been less if i were less obsessed with getting detail that you can't see under the clothes XD. 2.5 hours painting over and a whole 7.5 hours on the clothes so far. That's a long time on the clothes alone... I would have saved time if i could use GOZ, but that's broken in the newest version of Modo 10...
Thoughts so far?
Any of the anatomy in particular look shaky to you?
And what do you think of my hours? am i moving at a snail's pace? How quick would you get that done?
Warm regards,
Next I'm going to go back and polish all the anatomy off where it pokes through the clothes. Especially the face. I want to make him look more monstrous.