I like the pose on the last strike. Just before the last that, while the weight is on the right foot, he is off balance. It looks like he steps from one foot to the other without worrying about his weight. I think he needs to be further to his right. One of the coolest parts about a spin is how the weight stays over the center (or maybe slightly off since he's swinging a sword).
It looks good overall and the last strike is great. Just a few things I noticed that could be tweaked!
- It feels like his arms should be a little higher just before the strike though so there is a bigger arc. - His left hand keeps floating on and off the sword and it sometimes looks like the hand goes through the sword handle so looks a little messy. - He seems to swivel on the middle of his foot rather than the toe, I'm guessing you've rotated the foot control and not used the toe pivot (if there is one)
hey dude, good start. If you're looking for ways to improve your animation, I'd recommend doing a pass on the spacing and the arcs particularly on the end of the sword. Most people recommend parenting a locator to the end of the blade so that you have an object that you can use to easily track the arcs of the sword, however you want to do it though is really up to you. The way you've animated this has the guy hitting with the sword as his heel is contacting the ground, and then he shifts his weight onto said leg after swinging. I'd recommend pushing him forward on your anticipation pose and dragging the sword longer as he goes up on his toe more so that he's striking as his foot is coming down to contact the ground. Sorry, I know that sounds confusing as hell. I did a quick google search to try and illustrate what I'm trying to say, basically I'm saying you should do something more like this example from DMC
hello archanex thanks for your suggestion .....i checked my arcs worked on my spacing and that last part hitting before foot contact the ground i don't no i understand it or not that's way i am putting a update with frame counter .. please check it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uncqAjJRRN4
Im not sure if this is in line with what you want, but one option is to separate the 2 strikes more. If you want these to read as 2 separate strikes, and less of a flurry, work on creating a moving hold somewhere around F16. The cool thing about this is that it forces you to use a lot of followthrough on the first strike, and then anticipation for the last strike. This doesn't mean that everything stops, but instead of having the head smoothly do a 360 like it is now, your would hold his head forward as long as possible before the last strike, and then whip it around just in time for the hit. It will create a slightly different rhythm which can help it feel more powerful if that's what you're going for.
thanks Archanex .. wow i got it now what you want to say i will try it .. thanks again for spending some time on that images ... tholmes3d thanks for your suggestion.
- It feels like his arms should be a little higher just before the strike though so there is a bigger arc.
- His left hand keeps floating on and off the sword and it sometimes looks like the hand goes through the sword handle so looks a little messy.
- He seems to swivel on the middle of his foot rather than the toe, I'm guessing you've rotated the foot control and not used the toe pivot (if there is one)
This doesn't mean that everything stops, but instead of having the head smoothly do a 360 like it is now, your would hold his head forward as long as possible before the last strike, and then whip it around just in time for the hit. It will create a slightly different rhythm which can help it feel more powerful if that's what you're going for.
tholmes3d thanks for your suggestion.