I was working on this a little while back as a fanart/practice project in 3ds Max, and I figured this was as good an opportunity as any to dust it off and put some polish on it. It's a 3D interpretation of Mother Brain's room from the original
Metroid based on the that game's graphics and character art. Does anyone have any thoughts as to what the scene's strong and weak points are?
The color palette isn't helping, everything is some tone of orange, and even through there are a lot of shapes, it's hard to see where one thing ends and the other begins.
You should try adding in some contrasting color and work on your material definition to reduce the amount of 'shiny.' Maybe separate out the background using fog/volumetric lighting, and try some more angled/dramatic lighting to add emphasis to specific objects. I hope that helps!
Here is a shot of the brain jar/pedestal structure, along with the original game's graphics for comparison.
A close-up of Mother Brain submerged in brain goo:
Also, comparison shots of two versions of the brain texture:
Left side is the exposed brain look used in the previous renders. The texture on the right has a smoother look more in-line with Mother Brain's original art. With that version I tried to make it look as though the actual brain was covered by a layer of skin. I'm currently leaning towards sticking with the exposed look, but if anyone has any thoughts about it, I'm all ears.
The reinterpretation you did of the brain is really good, it keeps the 2D essence. My only suggestion is, as it was said above, to light up the brain because right now the tubes are attracting the attention.
Hope to see more soon
Lighting has been somewhat improved, background clutter was reduced, and some minor changes were made so as to better match the original map.
It only now occurs to me that I never modeled a shattered version of the brain tank...
(EDIT) Wow, I posted this and just hours later they announced Metroid Prime 4. Apparently, I am some sort of wizard.