I love Fallout New Vegas more than other titles in the franchise. Been wanting to create this armor ever since i've played New Vegas.
So i've been doing this for couple days. Obviously not done yet, as i've yet to do all the things that i wanted. Havent touched much yet beside the trenchcoat.
Heres my first WIP

And heres my ref.

I'm going to do the face to resembles Clint Eastwood more. Then going for the pants and boots, before doing overall detail and added accessories.
Feedback and comments greatly appreciated as i wanted to improve my skills more. Thanks.
It seems like you removed some thickness to the armor. Maybe it was too thick before but now it feels a bit too thin to be made only of metal...
The pants folds looks pretty cool, I was about to suggest to gibe more thickness to the thigh pockets but it might be a waste of time considering the trench coat covering them. Careful about the rangers line though, they are very oblique on the calves now, this kind of shoes are more straight there.
Keep up!
I love all fallout installment basically, but FNV definitely clicked with me a lot more than the other. Yeah, wishing that they could make the same kind of it!
Thanks for the suggestions.
The armor before was just a quick sculpt on the body, so it looks too thick, and the new one are retopo-ed and cleaned version of it, and it does look too thin. I'm definitely going to add thickness of it, and on the pocket as well as i wanted to make it looks good even if trenchoat covers them.
The shoes are a basic sculpt too for now, so i havent made a proper look of it as well as the folds affected by thems.
Thanks again for the comment.
No update for today as my laptop keyboard are broken.
A little bit over 200 hours in my playthrough of FNV, so this piece of yours got my interest. Are you going to make both versions, with and without the trench coat? Anyway, good work so far, keep going!
Could see a little bit of Bowie in it too, will do overall refinement later on.
Im going to create the trench coat version only , as i have no extra info on how his armor actually looks like inside. If i have a good idea on how to create an interesting look of it without the trench coat, im going do it. So for now, i'll keep that in mind. Thanks!
And tweaking the face.
It fits, but yeah, it does look kinda small.
Here's a comparison from previous build, which i think his head was a little bit bigger.
EDIT: Talked to my friend, and his head does look better in previous build. I can go back in previous build, but what do you think? would love to get a suggestion before going further with this.
Helm and hair are not done yet, and textures still needs a lot of work.
Made the helmet detachable to be able to show his face.
And heres the full view of the character so far, with jacket and no jacket ( arms are not modeled). Total polycount is about 35k tris, as i've set no limit to it, but still aiming for a lower one.
Still needed to do his hair, a gun, and a pedestal first, before doing an overall refinement on the texture. To be honest theres a lot of things i wanted to be redone in the mesh and maps baking, but its going to take a lot of my time as my computer isn't that high end. Im easily get bored too, so i wanted to quickly finished this one up before i lose interest.
Its pretty bright on mine, though probably only on my monitor. Yeah, these detail are kinda lost on farther view. Thanks for the suggestions, i'm going to brighten up the colors and toned down the AO, as well as emphasizing on the detail.
Thanks for the encouragement !. Yes, i'm going to do my best for this one, though only as far as the textures goes, as sculpting and rebaking the maps again would've made me lost my sanity while my computer goes up in flames. Need to invest on a new rig
And heres with no helm
Its 3.8k tris, and idk why, but the normal map wouldn't works. I'll fixed them later, as i wanted to do his gun first.
And heres the gun highpoly. Its the first time doing them seriously, so i'm not sure about the accuracy as i've no knowledge about gun, only from the references i used. Its Colt Single Action Army.
As you can see, the topology is a mess, a lot of pinching here and there, but i'll fix them later in the textures, if its possible.
The lowpoly and bake is done, its 5.3k and early textures done with substance. Here's how it look now.
Now i just need to model a small desert environment to showcase the character for the final presentation.
Thank you for the compliment! Theres still a lot more room to improve, but pretty happy with it so far!
Thanks! Its hand-sculpted. Planning to learn that software someday, it would be pretty helpful doing a lot more complex cloth.
Thank you. Still trying to add more variety to it and trying some light composition in marmoset to show most of its details.
And heres today update. Beside updating textures, i'm redoing his hair. Its 9k tris, a bit too much. Still not happy with it, but its the best i can do with my current knowledge on creating a hair.
Heres with no helm.
And heres with one
And heres the close up
Thank you for the kind words.
Its not finished yet, as i've planned to create a small environment for the pedestal first, need to recheck overall texture too, and a better presentation. But yeah, its almost pretty much finished
Total tris count is 39.900. Character uses 6 material, for Hair, Eye, Head, Body, Jacket, and Legs. All in 4K, except eye and hair, which is in 2K.
Gun tris count is 5.331. Uses 1 material, in 2K.
Pedestal tris count is 3.276. Uses 3 material, for Ground, Rock, and Grasses. All in 2K.
Sketchfab viewer will be uploaded later.
I uses alphas as it was fit within what i was going for, a bit of realism, and to face my worst nightmares, which is making a passable real time alpha hair. Pretty happy with the final results, though i must say that i cant quite capture my original plan for his hair, which shape is the one i sculpted in the highpoly WIP, because im quite fond of it too.
Thanks for the kind words! Using substance definitely helped me grasped a better understanding on how the material works. Its still not perfect, but i learned a lot by doing this piece!
Thanks for the suggestion! I'll be sure to darken it too, as i'm aiming for a night time environment with a bit of a street light under the full moon sky, something like that, as i loved that night time feeling in New Vegas. Can't quite capture it yet, and ill take any suggestions i can get. Will update it in artstation after im done.
Been 'stalking' your progress on The Major too, but got nothing better to say as you nailing it yourself. Loved your choice on her face!
The armour and clothing look great