For this contest I want to create a cyborg/punk type character that will be raging in the city. This character will have two weapons: a whip made of garland lights and a huge neon sign that she swings around and breaks everything. If there’s enough time left, I’ll also create some riot police to take all the beating. This is my first time building proper character, so I don’t really know how it ends, but I’ll do my best.
I call this project “Riot before Christmas”.
This is my Pinterest board for inspiration
Next is to turn this character into something that looks a bit more like a robot.
Thanks, InfinityComplex!
I’ve been stuck with clothes for quite some time, but finally, things started moving again. I guess that’s what I get for doing a project without a clear concept.
Clothes are done in MD and ready for further detailing in zBrush. These are quite simple clothes, but I’ll add more character to them later when texturing. For example, for the raincoat, I’m thinking of adding all kinds of stickers and writings to make it more punk.
So, now some sculpting and then I’ll start working on low poly. Oh, and make some shoes.
The shoe is ready. Decided to go with these shoes because I think they fit best for this character’s style.
I used Blender to create the base shoe with the front pattern and zBrush to do everything else. Also, already finished low poly raincoat and tank top, so only shoes and pants are left to do. Hopefully, soon I’ll be able to test how everything’s working, and then start texturing.
I also just had a cool idea how to make this character more robot, because currently, it’s only a couple of lines and some decals, and with clothes, half of those will be hidden. At first, I wanted to add some lights and use subsurface scattering to make an interesting effect, but I came up with a better idea. In various parts I’ll add scratches and damage and leave those places transparent, revealing inside of the body. Inside I’ll put mechanical parts, maybe with some animation and lights.
Here's a quick test of my idea
Clothes are now almost finished and ready for texturing. For the last couple of days, I was working on binding clothes to the character and weight painting them. This took quite a bit longer than expected, but now everything is finally working.
Currently I’m a stuck with some normal map and smoothing errors in CC, but hopefully, not for long.
Next step is to finish weapon for the character. I actually started working on it when I entered this contest, and while waiting for CC and iClone to arrive, so now it’s nearly finished. After that, I’ll make a simple scene with some props and start texturing everything.
Since the last update, I’ve been very busy trying to finish this project on time. Here are some renders of the things I’ve done.
I managed to finish my final entry video and Sketchfab model just a couple of minutes before the deadline, so obviously, I wasn’t able to do everything I wanted, and not all things came out the way I hoped. Nevertheless, I’m very happy that I managed to finish in time. This was a fun contest and great opportunity to try and learn new things.
Final entry