Hello everyone. I am modeling a turret based on some concept art. I'm going to mirror over the remaining pieces once I'm comfortable with the model. These are Marmoset renders with Unreal Materials and GGX reflections. I decided to post my renders once I had my base materials down. The blue and yellow is painted metal. So it's borderline dialectic.
SpecsTris: 22,170
Texture Res: 2048^2 per map
Material: Unreal with GGX reflections
Maps used. Albedo, Normal, Roughness, Metalness, AO, Cavity
Artistic liberties:>Increased the size of the cannons because it looks cooler
>Shortened the neck to make it look less top heavy with the cannon size
>Left out a few bolts because they felt out of place
I wish I could credit whoever did this wonderful concept, but I can't remember the source.

[ Albedo ] [ Normal ]
[Roughness] [Metalness]

In a Specular Workflow, R is the Specular texture colour.
In a Metalness Workflow, R becomes the Albedo texture colour of the metal. For the metalness texture you simply use the colour White to determine what areas are metallic. When something is not a metal, it should be solid black.
So if you were making Gold on a Specular workflow, the Albedo colour is black, and the specular colour is gold. But if you were making Gold on a Metalness workflow, the Albedo colour is gold, and the metalness colour is white.
A metalness map should not usually have any shades of grey; just solid white or black areas. However in practice you will sometimes take artistic license and use shades of grey such as on unrealistic metals/materials, when making rust (as it's a kind of half-metal), or when transitioning between a metal and a nonmetal to stop the transition being so harsh
1: Someone recommended that I break this up into multiple maps at 4K since the texture is blury. Would I realistically do this if I wanted to make something at the graphical quality of a PC exclusive like Ethan Carter? If so, Should I just use 2 maps or can I use even more?
Images (In Order)
Battlefeild screenshots for reference
base vales
with dirt