A League Of Legends Community Project
here I come with another personal project, but this time I'm not alone.
We, as a team of 8 people, are making a whole League skin, from concept to a 3D textured model, not forgetting splash art, animations, VFX, SFX, and voices!
This project is purely made for fun, personal and team training. It will not be a custom skin for the game and will not be for sale.
Concept art, splash art : Vlad Băcescu
High & low poly models, textures : Antoine Dupuis (GravityBwlast)
VFX : Kevin Leroy (Sirhaian)
Rig, animations : Alexandre Edde & Derek Ho (additionnal animation backup : Cyprien Douterlungne and Tyler Anthony)
Voice acting : Kayli 'Kiyo' Mills
Sound design : Quinn Boyce-Bacon
Music : Vincent Suddaby (Krale)
Lore writing : David Gillard-Allen
Teemo being the mascot of League, and at the same time a champion most players tend to hate because of his sneaky gameplay (damn mushrooms), we thought it would be fun to make a skin giving him a look according to the feelings he provokes. What would better fit this idea than a demonic Teemo?
Let's get to the real stuff; we will each post our progress in this thread starting next post with concepts.
Of course, we would all
appreciate feedback!
Join the conversation on the NA boards: on Reddit:
that being said, I'll just jump right into posting the work I've done so far. we're still iterating on lots of stuff as we speak, but there's more than a couple of things I'm able to show.
few quick sketches I made after talking to kevin about the project for the first time. didn't have a proper direction for them, but I tried to explore a few different ideas that popped into my head. still attached to buff overlord teemo on the top right~
more iteration. proportions were kinda messed up at this point, but I was trying to focus on the design. also started playing with colors; didn't wanna go for red straight off the bat.
once I had a silhouette I liked focused down, I started experimenting with armor, fur & horns. I ended up going for the classic red 'devilish' palette because it still looked like the best fit, if a bit cliche.
final concept! instead of symmetrical bracers, I ended up giving him a demonic claw that he uses to spew hellfire into the eyes of his enemies.
blowpipe exploration. we haven't settled on one yet, but dfg looks like a strong contender. always been a fan favourite
shroom replacement + an explosion study. so far it's been a bit of a challenge to find something suitably demonic that also preserves the fantasy of teemo's mushroom traps.
and finally, a couple of animation/vfx studies; one for his passive, and one for his recall animation. didn't get the chance to do many of these before this project, but they're a load of fun.
that's all we'll show for now, but we're far from being done! I'll be doing a lot more so drop by every now and then and tell us what you think about the work we're doing. thanks for the support
Hello! I am Kevin Leroy, aka Sirhaian, I'll be the one working on the VFXs, or special effects. I also coded the scene in Unity (5.5b), so that we can move the characters (thanks Alexandre for that part!), and trigger spells, mostly launch projectiles, place traps and trigger debuffs.I already posted some of my VFX League fan arts on YouTube, here: Playlist, and on Polycount, here: Link, for those interested.
So, let's get to it!
But before that, a little disclaimer:
I'm currently using Annie's model in the engine, because we don't have Teemo's model and animations yet. As soon as I have them, I'll switch to them.
Little video of Demon Teemo's current progress:
So! For the AutoAttacks, I decided to clearly separate the normal ones from the E-powered ones. For those who are not familiar with League, Teemo's E-powered AutoAttacks poison their targets for a certain duration. For a Demon Teemo, my first thought was to add some fire instead of poison. Fire always gives off that burning, consuming aura, so I thought it'd be a good fit for a demon DoT.
Normal AA:
E-powered AA:
You can see the poison debuff applied already.
Next will be the Q ability. This one was very tricky. How can I represent a blinding ability, without using a dart? Cause Demons don't really use darts, right? After a few tries, I started to make a purple-ish flame, but it wasn't looking very good. Then, Vlad started making Teemo's model concepts, and he drew a crystal on his gauntlet. I thought I'd use that one for this spell: Teemo would throw this cursed crystal to his enemy's eyes to blind them!
I reused the same kind of shapes for his Q. You can see for example the little smokey circle on the spawn point of the projectile. It's mostly to keep some coherence between his attacks and to give a sense of direction (and okay also because I thought it looked cool).
Next would be his W. This one is still heavily work-in-progress, since it'll mostly show with his animation (Teemo will open his wings and fly instead of running!!). For now, I have a speed half-capsule and some particles behind it, as well as a subtle trail.
The E is part of his AutoAttacks, so I'll skip it. Let's talk about the R ability - his Mushrooms. Currently, the model is a placeholder. I just wanted to test the eye thingy and some animation. And of course the particles. Here's what I have so far for his terrible mushrooms and their explosion:
Placeholder model:
Souls enter the mushroom when you place it. It's pretty fast.
Current explosion FX:
I'll probably iterate a lot on this one. I'm not frankly fond of the mushroom-like mesh explosion, so I'll test a few things out.
I'll add more WIPs as I create them. If you have any questions or feedback to provide, feel free to leave a comment or even mp me. I'll gladly reply asap.
Hey guys, I'm Alex, node plugger, stuff coder and things mover--------
Nothing here yet ? Soooo sad
Yo peeps my name is Quinn (aka Rusty Spoons), I am in charge of sound design on this project. This will be my 3rd time working with Sirhaian on a skin, Below is a video including all the current WIP sounds as of now. They are all subject to change. Your feedback is always highly appreciated as it will help a ton to perfect the final sound pack3D SCULPT
Here is the final sculpt I'm gonna bake into the low-poly model in order to have normal/AO/cavity maps to setup my diffuse map base.
I'll also make the wings for his W spell, objects needed for the spells, and of course the blowpipe.
So I've retopologized this little guy and made my base painting file with a mix of AO, cavity and little somethings. Base colors also done and put under it, so now I can start the real painting process!
Here are some (VERY VERY) WIP shots:
So my free time the next few days will be having fun painting him!

Wings and blowpipe are also to come soon.
So I've been painting this guy and here is where I am at:
We had an issue with the low-poly model regarding facial animations which we didn't plan well enough at start. So I remodeled on the low-poly the eyes area to get a nice topology that suits the need of facial animation.
Also, I opened the mouth and extruded a closed area in it so we can animate it without seeing through.
So yeah, here is where I am at currently, and I'm starting painting the wings as soon as I can.
I did a quick integration test over a screenshot of Summoner's Rift to see if it suits the game. I'll compare when I can with other in game screens with champions so I can adjust the luminosity, saturation, and maybe play with a gradient map again if needed.

Any feedback is appreciated.Cheers!
Still needs polishing (especially on the flesh part) but here is a WIP:
(Everything is using overlapping UVs and symmetry, except the wand itself, and small parts are floating geo plugged in the wand. It think it saves some polycount and as it is unlit we won't have to worry about the shading)
Based off Vlad's concept:
I'll also have to tweak levels a bit (even if I already did but not enough) so the body model and the weapon look the same contrast/levels.
Here are some spikes I did for the recall animation:
You can see the work in progress of it in this video:
The project is going well and we recently welcomed Tyler Anthony in the team for some help for the animation.
Also we found a name for our team: Rift Artisans. Just so we can sign our League fan projects without having to quote everybody everytime!
More progress to come soon. Stay tuned!
And of course don't hesitate to comment and give feedback.
The thread has been pretty quiet lately, but we were still working on the project.
We now call ourselves "Rift Artisans" and will be a team of League fans making fan skins for fun. (NOT custom skins)
We made a website and videos, including a "skin spotlight" one.
So the project is done and it has been an incredible experience. This was truly a blast to work on. I can't wait to start another one with this team of talented friends!
Good job everyone in the team!
Also if some of you are familiar with Reddit, here is the thread!
Last but not least, here is the link to the website @Sirhaian and @vlad.bacescu have been working hard on!
I'll probably post more shots on my Artstation and in this thread in the coming days.