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MagicPicker 5.1 update for Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator just emerged!

polycounter lvl 4
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Anastasius polycounter lvl 4

MagicPicker, the advanced Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop color wheel-based panel just updated to v5.1! 
New version improves adjustment to Fill & Stroke colors for vector shapes and text, enhances Tone Lock that lets keep color in the same range, Color Temperature Wheel and K-Lock, that lets keep K value of CMYK on the same level. Improves Interactive Help and YUV color space mode.

- Improved UI on hi-res displays
- Improved Color Temperature Wheel behavior
- Improved and expanded Interactive Help
- MagicPicker now correctly detects if shape is selected in all possible cases
- Fixed oversized text behavior when changing text color in Photoshop with MagicPicker
- Fixed problems with oversized Tone Lock icon
- Improved K-Lock behavior with eyedropper
- Improved and speeded up animations
- Improves YUV color space mode on calibrated screens
- Speeded up various parts of MagicPicker interface on CC2015/2015.5
- Improved performance on CS6, CS5, CS4 and CS3

You can upgrade here
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