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The Nyugati Railway Station - Half-Life 2 Revisited

polycounter lvl 2
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viktorvanonzenoort polycounter lvl 2
Hi everyone, 

I am a student at the NHTV University of Applied Science in Breda who just graduated as a 3D Visual Artist.
I'd like to show you my graduation project in order to gather some feedback and constructive critisism from you guys. 
For my graduation project I wanted to recreate a portion of the trainstation plaza which is featured in Half-Life 2, in the Unreal Engine 4. A video presentation of it can be found in the link below:


And below you will find a making of video showing the complete process I went through in order to get to the final results.  


Let me know what you guys think!

Viktor van Onzenoort


  • Meloncov
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    Meloncov greentooth
    My first impression is that it looks like it comes from a game with great art from about five years ago. I think you could push the material definition a bit more to full take advantage of PBR; right now, the materials feel a bit flat. I also see some places where I think you could afford to throw a few more polygons at it to help round out curves (like in the lamp) or soften some hard eges.
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