Hey everyone I am having trouble with this gun. I left this for last as it is my last problem area and one that I cannot find a fix it. I have tried multiple ways of trying to correct it but I just cannot get it right. I also have a folder full of references but nothing of a close up to the circled area in particular. I will provide a 2016 max file with the problem area so you can see what I am talking about. If anyone can come up with a solution to this, that would be great.
This is the highpoly. It is not complete but this is probably my last headache before I continue with smaller details. I thought about fixing it in the normal map BUT it may be more painful than just getting this right. You may see a couple of ngons and what not in low poly but I am not concerned about those because the shape is retained in High Poly and is only used for bake. Thanks!
Here is link to file
Restrict Google to only display high resolution images and you can get some with good detail. Hopefully you can see the area in question more clearly. You should also try posting here for better help with modelling specific shapes.