I've seen various posts where a similar issue is caused by thin meshes, which I don't think is the issue here.
I've made a head model from scratch and have been using dynamesh from the beginning. It's recalculated fine every time until now:
When all of these 'bullet holes' have appeared. Their direction appears to start in the centre of the head and project out in every direction, 360 degrees. I haven't been working on the top of head for a few recalculations so this is extra strange. The model is a similar even surface and grid all over, there was no visible abnormalities or bumps/holes in these areas before the recalculations.
The only different step I completed recently was rotating the head 180 degrees to correctly line it up with the 'front' image plane (I'd begun working with it mistakenly using the back image plane as the front). I thought I'd recalculated since then but perhaps not. I'd rather not rotate it back as (a) I have my original problem and (b) this seems a bit strange and limiting for a rotate tool - I'd like to know what's happened.
Any suggestions? I'm brand new to Zbrush, this is my first attempt, so excuse any unfamiliarity with techniques or tools. I've been using the clay buildup brush and move brush on a sphere to get this far, with some masking. Thanks in advance.
Am I facing a large uphill battle to do a presumptuously simple rotation or should I know when I'm out of my depth (unexpectedly with this task) and stick to using the back image ref as the front.
Deformation. Y-axis selected, typed in 180 degrees, hit return.
Thanks Musashidan.