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How do I fix 3DSMax 2015's Camera Controls to be like 2012?

polycounter lvl 7
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madmuffin polycounter lvl 7
I've been struggling with the camera in Max 2015 lately. In earlier versions like 2012 I found the camera to be very responsive and responded to simple orbiting and panning, but since upgrading to 2015 I find the camera behaves completely differently and its frustrating now to navigate with.

For example: When I use the mousewheel to zoom out when nothing is selected, it zooms out from whatever point my mouse is at, instead of just "out" like it did in 2012.

Other times, my zoom steps randomly become massive, even a single click of my mouse wheel causes the camera to leap out 1/2 out of my scene entirely, then later it'll go back to only zooming out a little bit.

When I hit Z, it only centers one single viewport, instead of all four on whatever I have selected. 

When I rotate without an object selected, it seems to choose an arbitrary point to orbit around somewhere a few meters out from the camera, unlike in 2012 it just seemed to orbit.. better.

Is there any way to restore the way the camera behaved in 2012 to 2015?

EDIT: After more searching it looks like everyone hates 2015's camera controls, and that you can edit the 3dsmax.ini to have "AdaptiveNavigation=0" however when I attempted this, it made no change to my 2015.
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