Messing around with a werewolf style beast, lots to figure out still, and planning on doing a diffuse only model.
Final Submission!
Closeup/Thread header image:

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Full Frame (Wires):


Wolfie Texture - 4096 Diffuse:

Pedestal texture - 2048 Diffuse:

"Wolfie was banished from his homeland so long ago that he began to forget the face of his true love. As he roamed the wilderness trying to survive, he began to also forget love and what makes him human. Over time, alone and in strange lands far from home, he gradually transformed into the beast we now see him as, a physical reflection of his loss of humanity."
Marmoset Viewer link: Original Concept:

First sketches:

I did some sketches to try changing proportions slightly, think about some details, and start deciding on a pose. On all-4's and wolf-like is cool but don't think it suits his design.
Next I have to kick around ideas for the pedestal, then get going on the model and see what I want to iterate on from there.
Took a quick stab at toning it down - lower contrast, got rid of some details, bigger shapes. Think it works better, not competing with the character so much now.
Doing lots of fixing, was trying alpha planes for the fur tufts on the back vs spikes of geo but alpha wasn't doing it for me.
His face is still bugging me, will be adjusting all the way till the end probably. Starting in on the painting, this is the funnest part
Thought I could edit this into my previous post, figuring out sketchfab.
Not much painting this update, spent some time fixing proportions, his big head and tall horns were making him look more cartoony than I meant with the concept. Still feels a little off but it's closer now.
Edit.. problems posting the sketchfab link.
This is final now! Not going to have anymore time to work on it before the deadline. This was lots of fun, lots of great entries, you guys are making me want to get into some sculpting again
Marmoset viewer link:
Full Frame:
Full Frame (Wires):
Wolfie Texture - 4096 Diffuse:
Pedestal Texture - 2048 Diffuse:
"Wolfie was banished from his homeland so long ago that he began to forget the face of his true love. As he roamed the wilderness trying to survive, he began to also forget love and what makes him human. Over time, alone and in strange lands far from home, he gradually transformed into the beast we now see him as, a physical reflection of his loss of humanity."
Good luck to everyone who entered, can't wait to see the winners!