Trying to iron out the workflow for PBR from Substance Painter to Unreal. Eventually rig for interactivity in VR
Floor and wall textures are place holder for figuring out the lighting.
Unreal setup
Any CC would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,
The ground seems to be too weared compared to the rest of materials, there is something wrong there, since all the materials should have aged, more or less, in the same way.
Also I would add a horizontal line of grout where the walls meet the floor, since now it seems to be a little bit harsh.
I don't think the stairs are physically incorrect, since the steps are embed in the two long planks and the two long plants rest both in the entrance and the ground floor.
Good work on the lighting too, it reminds me of one of the levels from Swat 3 for some reason, I think it was the first one in the house.
I'll post the cardboard boxes soon as I fix a texture error. I'm planning on posting all the individual models to sketch Fab for my portfolio and ill update this accordingly.
@snoop - Thank you, I was unaware of that sRGB issue. Ive just been using the presets in Painter. Ill make sure to keep an eye on that.
The stairs didn't feel right to me either I think I'm going to opt for something more like this.
The floor was a texture I was playing around with in Substance Designer but just couldn't get it to feel right. I'm going to opt for a less destructive look and more poured smooth concrete.
@keketYou are right, I definitely need to keep any eye on the seams from floor to wall.
Thank you all for the feedback,
If not, you could try adding some scratches or dings to the models in a more irregular fashion. The other thing that I noticed is that the wood propping the largest metal box up is very clean. It seems like it has been there for a while and should have been subjected to moisture and dust.
Lastly, the grey tubing seems to be very smooth and shiny? Not necessarily a problem, but that effect is not suggested by the base texture.
Aside from that, really nice work. All of the materials look like their real world equivalents, and the models are very well done.