

Early bakes I'll likely do some more work on the zBrush parts, as well as NDO in all the little details. Then it's on to texturing. Though as you can see I already jumped ahead and started the 7.62x54R round.
Also there's something that separates the mosin nagant from any of the other weapons in my portfolio. Any guesses? It's not anything super obvious (and there's a little hint for you).
Good start, the mechanical pieces are looking good but the wood looks off to me.. The cuts and scrapes make it look way too soft.
Looking forward to the progress on this!
The untextured pics were in some ways a "worst case scenario" for selling the wood material (it was mostly to show the baked detail clearly). As you can see when textured the damage is a lot less pronounced; a higher roughness mutes a lot of the sculpted stuff. But the sculpt is done in layers so if I do decide I need to tone it down that's no problem.
I think the wood base is okay at the moment; I've yet to add a lot of detail to the metals (only just started really) so that's the main thing I'll be doing tomorrow the mismatch between the clean metal and worn stock is probably the first thing people will notice currently. I'm also still considering how I want to handle the serial numbers on the bolt; I didn't find a matching font so I might try doing it freehand. Substance painter should also make stamping the various Tula markings quite easy.
Here's some of the material reference I'm using.
Anyway here's some dirty bolt action:
Texture update. Still working on the metals. Substance painter's 1.6 update was pretty cool (and rather well timed)
Unfortunately A3 has no bolt-action animations or support for important features like manual bolting or shell ejection delay so I probably won't take the arma 3 port any further. Still cool to see it in-engine though.
There are also some unfortunate limitations like no per-pixel coloured spec (I used a second material for the mosin's brass with tinted spec in the material, probs not ideal from a performance perspective)
That aside, it's actually pretty cool to get your weapon in-game and working. In learning 3d art I got caught up in the how and forgot the why; to make awesome content for games (I think my original intent in learning 3d art was to learn to make props for levels, and here I am x years later making guns...). And Arma has so many interesting parameters for weapons it really makes it hard for me to get interested in other games — I did some cfg work for a a3 mod and it was interesting and quite fun how balance and realism was affected just through the weapon/ammo config, like giving old guns a lower coefficient for their muzzle velocity, heavier and longer weapons a higher inertia, getting realistic cycle rates or ballistic coefficients, dispersion, configuring optics and giving them real reticles with working mil dots for ranging... damn Arma's cool.
If I make a weapon more suitable for usage in Arma (Basically this means a DMR since why use anything else ever) I'll likely port that, though I feel for something to really shine in arma it would need custom sounds and mayyyybe custom hand animations, depending on how dissimilar it is to vanilla arma stuff.
Marmoset Viewer (11MB)
Marmoset Viewer (11MB)
Marmoset Viewer (11MB)
I might do a clean variant sometime as well.
Thanks for the offer! It's probably a bit late for me at this point, but if you ever feel like taking reference pictures I'd recommend the interior parts and other small details as they were the most elusive. Though the mosin is a fairly common rifle so there's already a lot of content out there. I found the Hickok45 videos quite useful myself.
Marmoset Viewer + more pics on my site here. Also on Artstation.