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Simple cloth animation with MD?

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C86G greentooth

I need some help. I need to create a simple cloth animation. It is two solid objects that are connected with some kind of farbic that sould animate correctly when the upper solid part moves down. What´s a good way to do it? I have access to marvellous designer and Max. Is there a way to bind points of objetcs created in MD to the solid parts (created in Max)? If so, I could simply move the upper part down in MD, right?

And if all that works, how can I export the animation data to render in May or Keyshot?

I´d be very thankful for your help, guys : )



  • thomasp
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    thomasp hero character
    i'd attempt that in max with the cloth modifier. in the cloth object properties window you'll have to add all the objects that are going to be part of oyur simulation and set them to either be a cloth object or as collider. you can set vertex groups to attach to other geometry in there so this is how you would have your cloth stick to the solid objects, then just animate those and/or use forces on them as needed.

    this is best done - as usual with cloth sim - on rather lowres objects initially, made to look right and then gradually upped in mesh resolution to get those nice folds.

    there's a pretty extensive help for the cloth modifier in the max help system.
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