Heyloo everyone!
I'm FAIRLY new to the 3D scene, I started roughly 18 months ago, and I've mostly self taught through experimentation.
I do apologise in advance If I've missed out any crucial information, I'm more than willing to provide further information if I've forgotten to mention something.
Anyway, I'll crack on to save boring you.
A 9k35 Strela 10 is a Russian short-medium range surface to air missile launcher, I've wanted to model one for some time but I've just been too shy, right now it's just in the process of being placed into Arma 3 for an addon.
I'd love to know what you think, but please be gentle if you can my self esteem is quite low, any advice for improvement or just general tips are more than welcome, to help tailor your advice, I use 3dsmax 2015 with textools installed.


wireframes are from the non optimized version.
if you need anything don't hesitate to ask!
Thank you so much for looking

then look at this legendary explanation:
You might also want to check out this:
To sum things up:
You need to bevel the edges on your high poly; If you don't they will look really ugly and jaggy in your bake.
I think you are headed in the right direction artistically. Unfortunately there is just a lot of technicality involved in making convincing assets for games. Skim through those links and look at other peoples high poly hard surface assets and you'll be good to go.
I will admit though, I never did a high poly for this model, I did my working level and then optimized it from there, but I'm going to need to at some point though and what better time to start than now!
Thank you so much!