Starting a new thread for my Retrogasm Entry. My first attempt was an Altered Beast design but that was not working out the way I liked. I've switched gears and started working on a design for Adam Hunter from Streets of Rage, another one of my favorites from "back in the day".
I've been at it for about 2 weeks so I'm just going to dump all the progress shots the next post. I'm open to feedback so it's cool to drop a crit or two


looking forward to this
Keep up the good work!
@Gabriel - Decided to go with the Bobby Brown-ish look, the gumby cut lol. Going to look into making it a little more sharper though. I'll try some proportion alterations also. Thanks for the feedback!
@rexus - thanks
Texturing is my weakest process at the moment. I usually approach this part not knowing what I'm doing. My go to is Mudbox but I gave Substance Painter and 3D Coat a try this time...and failed miserably. Went back into Mudbox to make a lot of changes but then found Substance Painter really useful for making quick, seamless normal maps and textures for some of the pieces of my model. This workflow is working out decent so far but it's a lot of switching between software.
Marmoset viewer here: