Hello All,
This gun design has been in the back of my mind for sometime now. I have done a few small weapons with only a couple being decent enough for presentation but not something like this. So far this weapon is nurturing alot of growth in my high poly hard surface modeling skills. The gun is modeled in 3DS Max and rendered in Mental Ray. The final product will be a game version rendered in Marmoset or UE4 (havent decided). Right now all my effort is focused on a clean high poly.
This weapon is initially based off the Famas-G2 and the Croatian VHS-2 Assault Rifle. The sight is based off the Eotech XPS2 Holo. I am playing with the idea of an Assault rifle/DMR Hybrid with interchangeable parts and a Magazine adapter so the weapon can adapt to different calibers of bullets when out in the field for extended durations. The magazine adapter has already been modeled.
I wanted to ground the weapon in the real world before branching out and adding scifi elements to it. Now that the weapon has its shape and im a bit more enlightened as to how guns work, Im putting this up for C&C, any and all of it being much appreciated. The goal is to create and awesome portfolio piece and learn as much as I can while doing so. Ill post updates as often as I can.


Here's what it looks like on various guns
Thanks PrimePriest for the additional reference images.
Went back and adjusted the size of the Holo. I agree the gun itself could use some more thickness. I decided to change the form of the guns rail. I made it more like the VHS-2 and Im really happy with how it turned out. The change pushes the silhouette more and helps to distinguish it at a distance. Other things added or changed include the guns barrel, gas mechanism, plating on the stock, and a stock cushion. I am going to add some more shape variation to the flat portions on the weapon before all is said and done.
Otherwise: Nice work!
small tip: Something I did for my first weapon model was to model the bullets first (with absolute accurate sizes).
Based on this I get the correct size of the barrel, muzzle, chamber and magazin and then I can build the rifle around it.
Barrel to bullet comparison
Current bullet and gun comparison
after changing that I made some realizations about the overall gun size. The bullet next to the gun makes the gun look too big like the holo did. ill upscale the bullet since I didn't model the weapon using any specific units setup. The gun model was sketched up in photoshop and I eye balled its size when compared to other common firearms. Probably a mistake in hindsight.
The weapon could use more unique details other than block of generic shapes. Get some mechanical stencils and z-add on it. (Oh, not zbrush?)
btw I think the size and scale only matters if you are making it for very closed or hands-on viewing distance. (for FPS) or realistic-mimicking purpose.
Don't let it disturb your working fluidity. Scale is something you can always fix before rigging and animation. (even a rigged model can be scaled easily as long as you know what has to be done)
I shortened the stock and did away with the bridge between the stock and the bottom of the handle. I think it adds more to the silhouette. Added a few other bevels and holes in areas that are hopefully reasonable. Got rid of the generic shapes but I decided to leave the forms below the ejection mechanism. im thinking about making the shapes manifold to the stock instead of a piece of metal screwed on to the stock. I turned the hump between the rail and the cheek rest into a statistics screen for shot counts and other misc info. C&C welcome as always.
The first weapon looks like a TAVOR 21, or otherwise known as the TAR-21 from CoD MW2
The rifle got it'S on unique character now, keep it going!
First rifle's an AR-15. Everybody in the world makes some variant of it.
Second's the TAR-21