So It turns out I need to do better character work, and i have a friend who does really great concept art

The artist is Jon Comoglio
I'm doing a write up as I go to document my progress, plan forward and get critiques. There's plenty of things I need to practice but for now my focus is figuring out a good hard surface workflow, figuring out how to sculpt a good face, learning to do a good hair system, and figure out pbrs in general. Once i get that far it's figuring out how to pose and showcase my work, but lets not get ahead of ourselves. here's my reference sheet.

The sculpt in the lower corner is done by Hazardous. Love that guy's work. I'll be jumping straight into anatomy work next. The hazcourse stuff i'm using as ref suggest drawing first, but really my 2d work is just too awful to be of use. I've always worked better in 3d, so I'll start with Zbrush.

I've also did a first pass in maya on her weapon to brush up on my hard surface work. I'll run it through Zbrush and add a ton more detail, but for now it's a start.
it's not perfect, but i focused on form and proportion more than detail seeing as the character is covered in heavy armor that obscures most of the anatomy and i got to that point with the body in a respectable amount of time. I put more detail in the neck and arms as those show a bit more having a skin tight suit in those places, and barely spent any time on the feet as the character is suppose to be a double leg amputee. Sure the feet are terrible, but all i need out of that area is the calve silhouette. The neck isn't correct as i have not attached the head yet, an I'm waiting till then to clean up that area, which brings met to the bad...
As bad as this face is this is after getting tons of feedback and restarting it once (I'm contemplating showing the progression of terrible face sculpts just to further illustrate my point). Did i mention Female faces are a current weak point of mine? I've started a 2D daily face study because of it. There is a lot of work that went into that face and wile there have been improvements it's by no means good. What i'm trying to do here is match the Overwatch style, where the female faces are very smooth and soft with hard creases on details like the ears, noses and eyelids. not many land marks to go off of. I'm also trying to keep the expression sort of neutral and brain dead looking to keep it rigable. with the mouth slightly open and the eyes half closed. you can see some of the characters in my ref on the right have that neutral face. Widowmaker and Symettra especially. I'm mainly using mercy as reference as i feel she has the most similar face, but good images of her face are hard to find in high res. Tracer has the closest nose. I'm going to keep studying faces, and try to make more progress on that for now. I may also post those and try to do updates every other day or so on this. don't know, might be better to hold off till I have something worth posting.
Cool to see your process thus far, I'm currently working on my University 'Asset Production' project with my knight.
I decided to register on Polycount now because of this post and the kind of feedback you can get just on the basis of this post here, seems you've found a lot of good critique.
Hope your project carries on well, maybe once I polish up a proper drawing I may share with you too.
Dan xxx
So it’s been quite a few minutes since I’ve worked on this, or have done any major pieces of 3d work. I’ve been trying to get back into Art habits and kick some of the rust off with mixed results. I've had some time to work the last few weeks so let's have a look.
Jon did another pass on the character so I get a more detailed piece to work with. He hasn’t done a new back and I like the old head wrapping a little better so I threw together a new worksheet to use. Glad I slacked off long enough for him to do this, there is detail here that just works better. Here’s a link to his art station.
...AAAAnd that's where I'm at now. The anatomy is in a good enough place. It took me a while to get the face where I want it, but she's finally pretty. Some of the proportions are a little odd but it needed some tweaks to match the ref. The armor block out is coming along, but I could always use a second set of eyes. There's also a few spots I had to adjust to make things work, like the thruster stuff just below the knee had to be shrunk and lowered so the legs can bend, and some spots look great from the angle from the concept but I'm not sure how to fill out what I don't see. the elbow on the shield arm is a great example of me having no idea what I'm doing. Critique away, it's good to be doing art again.