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Levi attack on titan sculpt

polycounter lvl 2
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TKG polycounter lvl 2
hey guys im currently sculpting Levi from attack on titan however i want to create him as realistic similar to final fantasy style rather than looking like an anime character this is what i have so far as a base however i think it is a little to muscular many needs toning down a little anyway feed back would be great.



  • TKG
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    TKG polycounter lvl 2
    hey guys the continuation of the attack on titan character i made a few adjustments to the body to slim the character up a little. how ever i am currently working on the head of the character i have some what of a base but im starting to struggle as reference is a little hard to find can i have any pointers on how to adjust the face to achieve this look please.1gBgiXG.jpg
  • Shyralon
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    Shyralon polycounter lvl 11
    The body itself looks good, but I think the legs are a little short right now.
    For the face I would say work more on the planes of the face and on the mouth area.
    I think the way the mouth sits on the face looks weong, and the corners are not rolled in correctly. Take a look at this reference here:
  • TKG
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    TKG polycounter lvl 2
    thanks for the awesome reference dude really helped :) this is what i have so far i have added hair (place holder for now) and ears as well as moved around the proportions of the face to suit it better however the face is not quite there something is missing any ideas ty for the feed back.
  • TKG
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    TKG polycounter lvl 2
    heyy guys i made some more adjustments to the characters face its still not perfect but im going to move on to the clothing because im going a little mad lmao however any one notice how i can improve it please give me feed back much appreciated.
  • Devore
    I hope your still working on this Toddington, it looks good. I think his pectoral muscles look a bit straight, should probably have a bit more of a curve on them but not sure how much it'll matter if he's going to be fully clothed. And his hands do not look right either.

    Also, not liking the hair, but I've already told you that. This hair planes method but be worth looking into when you get up to that stage.
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