I am just getting started creating this awesome character from that Deus X Franchise. This is the concept design:

I've gotten an earlier start on it than I thought, but here is what I've got so far. I want to knock out the anatomy before I start anything else. I feel like I've learned a whole lot from your critiques on Etta, so any feedback you can give is great!

I am using Adam Jensen's voice actor, Elias T, as reference for the head. But I couldn't for the life of me find a profile picture.

Nekhro: No problem Mitchell
Clavicle needs fixing, there's a couple of corners you missed.
Good start, keep rolling. Put your reference imaage into Spotlight in Zbrush and pop back and forht as you're sculpting the face to make sure you're nailing the major forms.
Also, drop down a subdivision. Your big proportional forms don't warrant the detailing of the abs and pecs, and the detail on the face, that soon. You might be better off breaking the head bust into a separate subtool since they'll be separate anyways.
Again, here is the reference for the arm:
Once again here is the reference:
But I didn't think about retopologizing it. That might work! I actually retopologized the arm before I added all of the detail on (that was foolish). But now that the details are added I can retop it knowing what needs to be hard. Thanks
The rest is coming along nicely.
Sorry Krz, that picture is pretty old. I've done some work on his silhouette. I think I've slimmed him down quite a bit:
The "frameless" built-in sunglasses on the final design on Adam Jensen (not the ones you posted) is one of his better known traits. Of course this is up to you. Though he also has that chip on his left forehead even on the designs you picked, which you seem to be missing.
Also one of the first things I noticed in his proportions is the forearm, it looks too thin on certain angles. Might wanna look at how the flexors on the forearm work, because they are real tricky to convey. It also would help a lot since Jensen does have that muscular-fiber look on his augmentations.
Otherwise I'm liking how you're handling the silhouette. Keep it up!
Yeah I was recommended to do he voice actor but he looks a little different from Adam.
It doesn't look like there's any bone or muscles or fat underneath the skin. Try to define those anatomical features according to the concept by dropping a few subdivision levels and then go for surface detail.
The body lacks gesture, rigger may not appreciate it but you can still make it straight later and it helps to find the right overall feel.
Also I don't know if he's wearing drop-crotch pants or if his legs are too small but you might want to fix it.
I thought it is more convenient for a rigger if the model is in a neutral pose.
I went back to the reference photo of his face and tried to incorporate features true to the concept art, such as the scar over his left eye.
I also brought his arms down in a more relaxed pose. Hopefully he doesn't look so stiff, and hopefully this would make it easier to rig.
lips have a different form and your glasses are smaller
take a screenshot, bring it to photoshop and overlay your reference, toggle the reference on and off, you will see straight away that you are far off. not sure what you did to make it look closer but you still got a long way to go.
Besides the references you have right now, compare your head against existing head sculpts, especially in various non typical views, especially from birds eye, to make sure your head makes anatomical sense and that the forms aren't super weird.
The armor looks nice and clean. GJ with that.
If you're going to have the hair as one solid mass, you might do better to spend more time defining the hair better. Right now it's reading muddy. As a quick possible way, http://www.dantozer.com/sites/g/files/g851711/f/201309/c_Templar_13_09_16_02.jpg
The pants folds don't have the variation it needs. Sharpen and pinch the folds where they would be pinching and sharpening on peaks and valleys. Look at existing tight fitting cargo pants for reference. The fold "lines" splay out and pinch towards anchor locations.
Your eyebrows are flowing in the wrong direction if we're being super particular about anatomical accuracy: http://www.scottsdaleinstitute.net/images/eyebrow-diagram-large.gif
I'm glad the armor is looking good. I will go back to the jeans and work on those pinching details on the folds. Also thank you for the eye brow image. I think that will really help to.
"Come with me if you want to live", just kidding