Its been in the works for like 4-5 years, I really wouldnt call that a cash-in.
It looks like fun eye candy at the very least. Its not like its presenting itself as a high brow social commentary or anything. Sit back and turn your brain off.
Its been in the works for like 4-5 years, I really wouldnt call that a cash-in.
It looks like fun eye candy at the very least. Its not like its presenting itself as a high brow social commentary or anything. Sit back and turn your brain off.
No need! It'll evacuate through every possible orifice on its own.
Games are more than the lowest common denominator of games knowledge that this is targeting, it's not helping anyone in any way.
i'm absolutely serious, it totally blew me away. every other film he's been involved with has been the same rehashed jokes over and over. every movie is basically waterboy at this point =/
i dont think one has to care passionately about Pacman to be upset about a bad blockbustermovie about videogame-icons.
people get upset about all kinds of things nowadays.
Atari tetris pong pacman beep boop bop. Us gamers huh, we know this stuff. Us gamers. We gamers. Watch our movie. We understand gaming culture.
Watch Adam Sandler kill a gorilla in a tie.
VFX look neat anyway.
Exactly, such a sad attempt, which is why I'll probably end up watching it at some point and probably end up liking it, but never admitting it.
Sounds about right.
Haha nice!
It looks like fun eye candy at the very least. Its not like its presenting itself as a high brow social commentary or anything. Sit back and turn your brain off.
It was probably spawned/inspired by this.
fuck, the same dude is directing it.
Sweet it's literally the same thing stretched out with adam sandler filling the gaps. :poly122::poly122::poly122::poly122:
No need! It'll evacuate through every possible orifice on its own.
Games are more than the lowest common denominator of games knowledge that this is targeting, it's not helping anyone in any way.
I guess I'll see it anyway.
i'm absolutely serious, it totally blew me away. every other film he's been involved with has been the same rehashed jokes over and over. every movie is basically waterboy at this point =/
Pretty much not going to pay to watch it, I'lljust wait for it to be on netflix.
and then I saw paul blart..
That is a low bar. The kind of bar that is already scraping the floor.
TMNT almost makes Uwe Boll look like a legitimate director
Anyone else just glad they didn't use Postal, CoD or GTA or any other games the media 'loves' so much to hate ?
except you now... videogamefans in general
Get ready , get set....GO!
people get upset about all kinds of things nowadays.
Watch Adam Sandler kill a gorilla in a tie.