Latest Update:

Hello, I've been wanting to work on a humanoid character for my portfolio with the goal pushing realism.
I still need to work on the specular map and haven't started the gloss map or alpha maps which will include some alpha mapped hair for his beard. I'm looking for any suggestions on how to strengthen this work. He's looking fairly lifeless now so I'll pose him soon.
The concept by Caio Monteiro

My current progress

BUT, if you want to approach this more realistically, you will have to make all the hair with alpha planes. That would be a hard way, for sure, but the result is worth it. Find some good references for the type of beard and hair you want, and analyze that.
I also think that there's something wrong with your proportions, his hands look entirely to big.
Overmind50000, thank you for the comments. I had baked many of my pieces separately so maybe that made the sleeves look wrong, I've added an occlusion in Photoshop on my sleeves so they don't look too bright.
Here's my latest update, rigged so I could pose him and spent some more time on the textures, getting closer to calling it done. Please any feedback would be great.
Here's current in bind pose.