Had the idea of doing a Throne room based off of a mashup of Masters of the universe and thundercats. I know shao khans throne room is in my reference, I think it looked cool enough to draw some elelments from it.
simple blockout
Software being used
Substance? (once I figure out how to use it)
Now the arch just looks outta place. My solution... Mumm Ra skull!
thanks! I kinda felt that way about the claustrophobic thing. I think you're right about fixing that.
Thanks! That's actually quite encouraging
I have a lower version of the throne in UE4. No textures or materials obviously, I'm still trying to decide a color and if I want it to be a bone or metal material or a combination of both.
Thanks! I'm working on it as time allows me, which is the only frustrating part.
Also put in some normal maps to break up the flat walls, by no means are they final, I just wanted to see what this looked like with some texture to it.
As did the throne... since it's supposed to be the main focus
The UV's on that damn throne were a pain in the ass... still not where I want them but good enough for now
and in game resting upon skeletor's throne
I used stock particle for the torches with some slight changes, but I have a very limited knowledge of cascade.