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Hi-tech speedboat

polycounter lvl 10
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Joltya polycounter lvl 10
Hey guys. I'm making this thing right now. It's still in the block out stages right now, but critiques are always welcome! :D

Concept by Prog Wang.


  • Lucas Annunziata
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    Lucas Annunziata polycounter lvl 13
    The central shape seems skinnier in the concept than in the blockout, maybe reel that in a little bit. The 2 circular shapes on the top right a are looking ever so slighting too large. The circular shape you have next to the 2 back flappies looks like it should be more of an oval.

    Solid blockout though, and it's an interesting concept. What is the target engine?
  • Kaine123
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    Kaine123 polycounter lvl 10
    Hey what's the name of the concept artist? I'm curious to see more of that persons work.

    Also the guns near the lower part of the model look like they need to be cut and beveled a bit more to match the concept. Even at the blockout stage.
  • Joltya
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    Joltya polycounter lvl 10
    Thanks Lucas, I definitely see what you're saying. I really appreciate the feedback! :D

    And Kaine, it's Prog Wang. I forgot to give him credit, but I did add a link to his artstation in my original post.
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