Trying to get better at weapons, so I modeled this 1911 a long time ago and decided to finally finish it. I went with a Hitman theme because I love those games and thought it would be a fun but subtle homage to agent 47. I then created some attachments to go on it, silencer and red dot sight. They're are not supposed to be an exact replica of whats in the game, but a new take on the Silverballers. That was the main project then I thought for presentation purposes I'd make a case to house them in, but it wasn't the focus of the project. I know we like to see guns with a little more wear, but I really like how clean all his weapons are in the game, so I went ahead and made them like new. They're not perfect by any means, but I'm calling them done for now. Gun and all attachments is 4164 Tris and 2k Texture. Case is 4562 with 1k Texture. Floor is a MegaScans material at 1k. Modeled in Maya, textured in Quixel Suite and PS, rendered in Marm 2, enjoy.
