Home Freelance Job Postings

Concept Artist and 2d Animator needed

We need a Concept Artist for our main character and a 2d Animator to animate him.

Concept artist will need to create:
  • Different versions of the character.
  • Different versions of outfits.
  • A finalized Character Design sheet
  • Three or four polished poses to be used in our ad campaign.
2d animator will need to create:
  • Around 12 different cycles (Walk, run, jump, etc)
  • Can be flash or traditional
Must use Adobe products, photoshop, flash, after effects, etc.

This is a freelance gig lasting about 2-4 weeks

If you can do BOTH you will have more chances of being selected. Preferably from USA

***To apply submit work, rate, and resume to hello @ dogtreatstudios.com

The style will be a mix of these below, apply if you can show work like this. (These are only for a quick reference, not made by us or going to be used in game)



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