Hi guys,
Been working on this in my spare time for quite a while, and now I've got more time thought I'd like to concentrate on it fully and get it finished. It'll hopefully be a nice portfolio piece. I've blocked the majority of it out but really need you guys to help crit and help me push it as far as I can possibly go

I'd love to eventually reach a level in a piece of work that so many of you do and inspire me with in the recaps.
(more images to follow)
Concepts that inspired me for this piece:
I think I'm going to produce something similar, but hopefully with my own touches here and there rather then recreate the concept 100%.
Latest Update:

Crits appreciated

The corset looks like it has a bit too much information, i suggest to add some forms to the trousers rigth now is too smooth..adding a stich or it migth help pulling up the boots..
just suggestions and things i see
keep it up! loving it so far!
Thanks much appreciated! Still a long way from where I'd like it to be though!
The lace is fully modelled
Crits much appreciated!, I think it'll less noisey when its painted; but yeah your definitely right about the forms on the trousers and the boots; I'm thinking of adding some seam information on the trousers to help the transition and block in some more crease detail on the boots.
Thanks so far for the likes/crits its much appreciated! Keep em coming!
The fold at the top of the boot could use some detailing. It's usually split to make folding easier. Some decorative tooling might be appropriate, depending on the type & material of the boot.
The bunching of her pants at the top of the boots seems rather excessive.
Cheers for the crits dwalker; there was something off with the top fold on the boots and I couldn't quite place what, you've cleared it up for me thanks!
I'll reduce the heel size and improve on the folds
Crits very much appreciated
Will definitely look into the proportions of her feet, I thought they weren't too far off but well see
If you have any suggestions for boots im all for it! I'm lacking on inspiration atm for the bottom half and may well add some leg armour
Again please crit guys/gals I need to improve ;D
Hey Dave, I was wondering if you couldn't just import the image ref as alpha and use the "mask by alpha" button instead of having to use spotlight. Could it work ?
Nice work btw. I agree about the feet, they are really long ( had the same problem with a character some time ago ), and the style of the boots doesn't really match the outfit. Those bones say "necromancer" more than "sorceress", now it's not a bad thing , you could make an entire outfit like that, or change just the boots. I think something a bit more ornate, like the corset, would be nice.
There seems to be some problems with the arches, mostly contributed by how elongated the feet are.
Definitely agree about the boots; not feeling it matches the outfit at all; will have to gather reference I think; theyre just too bland, too high and now I see it; too long!
Yes I believe alpha would work aswell; but probably not as good as it references the black/white values, should something not be completely black its a different opacity and won't get picked up very well. It doesn't sound very important but when panelling to add a thickness if any of your lines are even remotely thin it makes them fiddly, warped and quite unusable.
Cheers for the crit!!
Sole units come in all shapes and sizes, but yeh I definitely agree here; I think I'm going to redo all the shoe/boot in general;
Its too high, not blending with the overall theme very well and like you pointed out how some realistic issues of how it works.
Thanks for pointing that out I'll make sure to use that reference on my new one
Cheers for the crit!
I see that you will be reworking the boots but it might be worth it reworking the leg itself before you make the boots on top of it- it feels too straight and thick to me.
Check how there is a lot of curvature on the inside of the leg compared to yours:
Cheers for that link! I think I need to exaggerate those curves on her inside leg; it's not far off but its been totally lost when I've added trousers ontop.
Will definitely pursue it! cheers means a lot!
Anyway, I found some boots to inspire you :