Hello,long time no post here on PC,but I would appreciate some feedback. So im trying to pull myself out of my comfort zone and expand my abilities as an artist. So over a weekend i tried to design,model and texture a character. My goal is to be able to put character artist on my CV as a skillset,but I probably have a long way to go to feel comfortable creating characters.
So any critique or feedback would be lovely.

the shoulders are also looking a bit strange, both the shoulder and the shoulder pads. his shoulders could be wider and it looks like his shoulder pads would fall of in front of him, rolling of his shoulders.
the face looks kind of wonky too, the mouth in particular,he looks kinda of "derp" in his expression. there is some weird highlight going on under his lips that makes it look like his mouth is open.
overall its looking really nice but giving the head and shoulder area some extra love would be good since thats where your eyes tend to focus.
I dont think you should feel uncomfortable with your character skills, this is overall not that bad at all