PyrZern wrote: » Dang, that is coool. Wireframe ?
shinobik wrote: » This is Awesome! 8O
Shrike wrote: » looks pretty good, but the lighting feels very bleached out and its so evenly lit (you used color grading right ?) Making it overall darker and giving more of a focal point to the center / head area could work out quite well here is what i mean
thank you))
If anything, I would add some dirt and more scratches to the feet, as they seem a tad clean for the damage/edge worn on the rest of the model.
Nonetheless, well done piece!
Saving one of the beautyshots in my pinterests
(you used color grading right ?)
Making it overall darker and giving more of a focal point to the center / head area
could work out quite well
here is what i mean
I used postprocessing marmoset)