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Sion Rework (League of Legends)

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KKolar polycounter lvl 3
I've decided riot is taking too long with their Sion rework so I thought I would give it a shot.

I'm going for a sort of terminator bounty hunter theme, but I'm not sure I'm sold on the mechanical arm.

Right now I'm just blocking in basic forms, but I would like some opinions on which one you guys think works better. If I drop the robot arm I would probably add a decaying arm with a bone sticking out of something of the sort.
Let me know what you think,

Current Update:



  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 18
    I don't mind the mechanical arm. It needs a bit more design work, but the bulkiness helps balance out the enormous pauldron.
  • KKolar
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    KKolar polycounter lvl 3
    Okay cool, I'll keep playing with that idea then, thanks for the feedback!
  • KKolar
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    KKolar polycounter lvl 3
    I did a quick paintover to play around with the arm a bit more and figure out where I'm going with the colors.
    Now back to sculpting!
  • KKolar
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    KKolar polycounter lvl 3
    Small update, I just couldn't get on board with the mechanical arm so I toned it down a bit.
    I'm liking this a lot more then the original version, but let me know what you guys think
    Crits and comments more then welcome, cheers!

  • Larkbeef
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    Larkbeef polycounter lvl 13
    Do you have any plans to make those shoes less round? More foot-shaped? The feet of the old LoL models are usually pretty weak in terms of design I think.

    I'll be following your progress :)
  • KKolar
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    KKolar polycounter lvl 3
    Yeah the more I look at the feet the more they bug me. I was trying to stay true to sions original weird round foot thing, but I might end up straying away from it completely. I should have another update tonight. Thanks for the follow!
  • KKolar
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    KKolar polycounter lvl 3
    Got some more progress done, still working on how I want to deal with the feet, but I wanted to show you guys where I'm at so far.

    As always crits and comments more then welcome, if you have any questions about my process and what not feel free to ask as well.
  • Larkbeef
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    Larkbeef polycounter lvl 13
    Taking shape!

    The ingame model has a more hunched posture, (Yours is T-pose at the moment of course.) like he has a thicker neck and his head sits more in his chest. His stomach and pelvic area is thicker. Thoughts?
  • KKolar
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    KKolar polycounter lvl 3
    Ah yes! I played around with what you said larkbeef and I'm liking it much better now, thanks!
    I lowered his head, and adjusted a bunch of his overall proportions. I think he looks much more like a monster now instead of just a roided out dude.
    Still working on his sculpt a bit more, but he is getting close.

  • Larkbeef
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    Larkbeef polycounter lvl 13
    Yeah, I think the hulking monster archetype is the way to go :)

    You're getting close!
  • KKolar
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    KKolar polycounter lvl 3
    Finished up the hi-poly, going to start the low poly soon.
    Hope you guys like it so far.

  • Larkbeef
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    Larkbeef polycounter lvl 13
    Great! Looking forward to colorz.

    Do you foresee any problematic areas as you move on? Like alphas, rigging or whatever?
  • KKolar
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    KKolar polycounter lvl 3
    Well it has been WAY too long since I have worked on this.
    I finished the low poly and all my bakes so now its time for the fun part!
    I baked out a basic light and ao map and now im going to learn how to use 3d coat for the texture because it looks amazing.
    Cant wait, will keep the thread updated!


  • Madech
    I'm a fan of Sion and I just register to say this model is awesome!, riot should hire you and take your model for Sion's relaunch.
  • KKolar
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    KKolar polycounter lvl 3
    WIP texture update. This is my fist time using 3d coat to texture but I'm pretty sure thats the only program I will use now. I'm in love.
    The head is the only thing that is relatively complete here, the rest has a bunch of work to be done.
    Enjoy the weekend,
  • KKolar
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    KKolar polycounter lvl 3
    Texture update for the night.
    the upper body, excluding the arms is the only thing that's getting close to finalizing, the rest im just blocking in to figure out my color palette.

  • KKolar
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    KKolar polycounter lvl 3
    I dont know how I didnt see your post at first Madech, but thank you!
    One of the main reasons I'm doing this model is because I want to work for riot one day. I thought this might get their attention, so I could at least get some feedback from their artists, so what you said means a lot, thanks again!
  • KKolar
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    KKolar polycounter lvl 3
    Texture update finally! I'm getting pretty close to finishing him up, but I still got some work to do (especially on his back).
    Riot also released their sion rework today =(
    It's amazing as always, but wayy different then I expected.
    I would love to get this up to par with that so any c&c welcome.

  • slosh
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    slosh hero character
    What resolution are you texturing at? It looks kinda low res and muddy...Otherwise, pretty nice job so far.
  • KKolar
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    KKolar polycounter lvl 3
    Thanks slosh! Im working at 4086 right now but the muddiness is coming from a problem I'm having in 3dcoat. For some reason if I zoom in too far with a small brush I cant paint on certain parts of the model, making it so I have to zoom out and use a larger brush stroke. Once I finish with all the general lighting I'm going to take it into photoshop to try and make it more clean and crisp. Thanks for the comment, love your work!
  • Larkbeef
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    Larkbeef polycounter lvl 13
    Part inspired, part dismayed! Try to latch on to the inspired part :) Keep it up! I'm still watching.

  • KKolar
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    KKolar polycounter lvl 3
    Thanks Larkbeef, yeah I'm still trying to stay motivated to finish this guy up even though they released that. Its definitely inspiring, so Im trying to pull from that.
    I did a lot of reworking on his proportion and changed his feet up a bit to make it make more sense with his character.
    Im going to start texturing in photoshop now to clean and tighten up the textures. Then its time to start working on his axe.

  • KKolar
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    KKolar polycounter lvl 3
    Alright, I'm back to finish this guy up! I took about a month off because I was doing a class/mentorship with Anthony Jones and I wanted to focus all my time on that. I learned a ton and am ready to rock.
    Im going to try and finish this guy up quick so I can start a new one for the league contest.
  • skodone
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    skodone polycounter lvl 2
    the belt buckle skull has some not nice texturestretch in the eye :s

    texture looks rly nice i like the more saturated green!
  • KKolar
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    KKolar polycounter lvl 3
    Thanks skodone! but yeah its a weird area to paint because there is no geo, ill try and figure it out but if I cant it might be better to just take it out.
  • KKolar
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    KKolar polycounter lvl 3
    Alright I think I'm pretty much done with his axe. All I have to do now is a bit more work on sion himself. I'm trying to get this all wrapped up before blizzcon on the 7th.
  • KKolar
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    KKolar polycounter lvl 3
    I think I'm about ready to call this done. I will post some in game screens and breakdowns soon.
    Hope you guys like him.
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