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Portfolio Review, Student

polycounter lvl 7
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TOBSn08 polycounter lvl 7

I am a 3D visual Art student from the Netherlands and I am currently working on my portfolio. I would like to apply for 3D environment art internships very soon and am looking for feedback on what to improve.


Thanks in advance :)


  • GrungyStudios
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    GrungyStudios polycounter lvl 8
    Pretty impressive hand painted stuff. I looked at your blog too. Honestly, i'm a student myself and if my work was up to par with yours i would be applying for actual jobs, not internships. Don't sell yourself short.

    But then again, you might want experience. Anyway, good portfolio. Keep it up.
  • The Mad Artist
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    The Mad Artist polycounter lvl 13
    Lots of good work there. I would put your work more front and center right away on your site, as opposed to having it in separate sections. I should be able to see work immediately. I've always like this layout: http://stevenskidmore.com/ or this http://www.grimmsorg.com/

    Or if you want to just have individual pieces, go for something like this http://www.briansum.com/ or this http://cbrait.com/

    I personally don't like to have to click through thumbnails, it's easier to just scroll down and see work. Put your site or email on your images, just small and in the corner or something. Lots of hiring folks right-click and save work and it's good to have it marked in case they come across it sometime and forget your site name.

    Also, don't say that you are looking for an internship, and don't refer to yourself as a student, or learning, or anything like that. I would get rid of that "Hi there" section on your front page. It screams "student portfolio" and you don't want that. You're looking for work. If I was a hiring manager that needed a position filled, but saw that you are only looking for an internship, why would I pay you?

    And this is just me, but I don't like having links to ANY of my social media on my site.
  • TOBSn08
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    TOBSn08 polycounter lvl 7
    Thanks for the nice feedback. I added my web address to my images, makes sense. I am currently still a student and the internship is part of my education, but I removed it from the frontpage anyways. I'll consider to show more of my work on the landing page in the future and have some more info on another site i guess. Thanks again.
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