one of the projects i have been working on for myself was a 3d model for a spacemarine form warhammer 40k.
this was rigged in Blender with a rather basic skeleton and will need a lot more controls added to make it user friendly. it is also quite polygon heavy as i made it for high detailed renders.
i am making it available for download here and many other related sites in hopes that other 3d artist can create some nice renders and even extra bits for this model and post them here to share with others.
this is all just for fun so by all means, download and create away
I am not sure if you want to hear that but the proportions seem to me not very 40k space marine like. Maybe it is just that the proportions are too realistic in comparison to GamesWorkshops "hero scale".
But a good thing not to use the "standart" pattern helmet.
exactly i did not want to do the "precise" proportions as seen in the miniatures or certain pieces of currently popular art. so have you downloaded it yet?