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Small issue, zbrush texture/polypaint

polycounter lvl 18
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D4V1DC polycounter lvl 18
I couldn't find any answer to this, but i already created a texture for a character and i can't continue to texture, when i go over it it doesn't allow me to alter the texture which is on, if i turn it off it reverts to start.

How do you continue to add to the texture/would be/used to be poly paint?

Thanks for any help, i'll keep looking.


The other situation is, is everyone working on the repairs done when re-projecting a high quality sculpt over to a new more optimized mesh?
Example lets say zremesher did a perfect topology out of a complicated sculpt and then I want to re-project every nook and cranny, is there a magic setting to get an exact 1 * 1 copy in regard to details?

I always have to fiddle with bits and pieces that get raped during the process. Is this what everyone has to deal with?

Also Zbrush hates Spikes... :( think porcupine, It is a nightmare trying to get those all nice looking in reprojection.


  • cryrid
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    cryrid interpolator
    You can use the Tool: Polypaint subpalette to create new polypaint based on a texture you will need to make sure the mesh has enough verts to represent the detail).

    Projection can depend on the mesh. Sometimes you need to tweak the values and repair, sometimes it comes out nicely with default settings. Its recommended to Project, Subdivide, Project again, and repeat the process to gradually get the detail back.

    Spikes will probably be a pain no matter what.
  • D4V1DC
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    D4V1DC polycounter lvl 18
    Me love you long time!

    Always the simplest solution :( I should'of had a v8. :)

    The project sub reproject sounds like a great idea thanks for that one as well!
    Will try It sometime.

    Thank you for responding quickly I needed help a.s.a.p. but didn't want to sound
  • D4V1DC
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    D4V1DC polycounter lvl 18
    okay after some sleep i got it... oh boy... turn off the paint brush on your tool... going to the store to buy some V8, splash.:poly124::poly142:
    Edit figured out my situation..
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