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Zbrush custom UI: Copying sub palettes

polycounter lvl 11
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Boozebeard polycounter lvl 11
Is there a way to copy an entire sub palette onto another area of the UI so that it's always visible? The sub tools palette for example.


  • Bartalon
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    Bartalon polycounter lvl 12
    You should be able to make your own Menu and SubPalette under Preferences > Custom UI then just drag everything from the original SubTool subpalette into your custom one. Be sure to have Preferences > Config > Enable Customize toggled first.

    I remember having problems with some sliders and buttons disappearing from my custom layout when I restarted ZBrush. Haven't had any issues lately, however I don't have any custom menus or subpalettes. Not sure if it's been fixed in the recent versions.
  • Boozebeard
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    Boozebeard polycounter lvl 11
    See, I'm having problems trying to duplicate the subtools buttons. The problem is that the first subtool button is always occupied by what ever tool is currently selected and when I copy it, it creates a copy that is linked to that tool rather than a generic empty subtool 0 button. So when I try and select a different tool is just breaks.
  • Bartalon
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    Bartalon polycounter lvl 12
    Ah yes, I see what you mean now. That is odd. I can't help with that but perhaps I can offer alternatives so you might not need to rely on a list being present all the time:

    The N hotkey brings up a list of every subtool of your active tool.

    Alt + left clicking on an inactive subtool in the viewport will automatically switch to that subtool.

    If you have later versions of ZBrush, by default it's set to allow only one subpalette open at a time; this can be changed back to allow multiple subpalettes open at once so you can leave the SubTool subpalette (and others) expanded. Preferences > Interface > Palettes > untoggle "One Open Subpalette"
  • Boozebeard
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    Boozebeard polycounter lvl 11
    Thanks. I actually found the button that N hotkeys too on my own and rebound it to a more convenient place. Should be good enough. Didn't know about the alt+left click thing though. Thanks.
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