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Photoshop CC - shape tool > color in layer tab ???

polycounter lvl 8
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-Em'- polycounter lvl 8
I used to work on CS5, but now i'm a bit lost with shape layers :
Is there a way to show "colors" for the shape in the layer, like before ?



  • kaptainkernals
    Offline / Send Message
    kaptainkernals polycounter lvl 12
    The colour preview and layer preview thumb are now one and the same in the layers panel, so if you double click on the thumb, you'll get the colour picker for the shape layer, alternatively, having the layer selected, if you have a shape tool active, changing the fill or stroke at the top will change the stroke and fill settings of the selected shape layer.
  • -Em'-
    Offline / Send Message
    -Em'- polycounter lvl 8
    Thx for help

    Gonna be hard, it was more convenient IMO to have color and shape in distinct layers... Some new feature in CC are a bit annoying for a CS5 user ^^

    I found a tip to show color : by default, preview layers are showing your object in the canvas at 100%, but you can specify it to show only the limits of your object :

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