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Where's the render settings in CS6?

polycounter lvl 9
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Chase polycounter lvl 9
I'm creating a logo following this tutorial and things get a bit wonky at Step 9. He' using CS4 so the layout has changed, but for the life of me I can't figure out where some of the settings have gone. I'm trying to locate the Render Settings and the anti aliasing. Another hiccup that that worked itself out had to do with getting the outline effect. There's a preset for it luckily because the way he goes about hasn't worked in CS6. I might just try modeling if all else fails. 3D in PS seems to be a nightmare.


  • kritskiy
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    kritskiy polycounter lvl 10
    In CS5/6 some of the settings were removed, AA quality is one of them. And by default PS renders with best AA. To get to render settings double click Scene in 3d inspector:

    But I would never recommend to use PS for 3d unless you really want some bdsm action
  • Chase
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    Chase polycounter lvl 9
    Yeah I was under a crunch and was trying to follow a tutorial to make my logo, but it seems it might be easier to model it. Or just come up with my own to be original. Thanks for the reply!
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