Hi all, after looking at some concept art from Star Wars the old republic, I thought I'd take a crack at recreating one of their scenes but with a bit more damage to the scene compared to their clean and sparkling environment in the art. The scene will be presented in UDK when its finished.

Here's a very quick draw over of the additions i'll make to the environment to make it feel broken, the lighting will be dimmed with lights flickering to to add to the atmosphere in the scene, the use of particle effects will be looked into when I get closer to using UDK.

I'm looking to have the scene appear to have been attacked by by an enemy ship (as the scene is set in side a Jedi spaceship), so electrical fire damage and burn marks where internal cables have fried will be present as well as general structural damage, such as metal panel's coming away from walls and floor, will all be added to show off the state of the environment.

Some of the Mid-poly models before exporting to Zbrush -

At the moment quite a few hours are being poured into this, so updates may come quick and fast but any advice or crits anybody has would be welcome.
Just be aware that the models may appear to be lacking high frequancy detail but I'm hoping to add this via zbrush and Ndo2.
Here's a quick screen grab of the models in UDK with some basic lighting a well.
Its still really early days for this and I suspect that I'll adjusting a lot of my bakes as I'm not happy with how some of them have turned out, as well as making alterations to certain things that I don't think are working too well in the scene, but I'll post my progress as I go along.
As always all feedback is welcome and appreciated.
How did you go about the hologram shader? Just simple emissive+opacity?