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Critique my portfolio? Please?

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Mathew O polycounter
Hi guys, I really need your help :) I really want to improve as an artist and make myself more employable than I am now. Feel free to be brutal, I will take on board any and all feedback.
Feel free to tell me how to improve my work or just how my site could be better.

Thanks guys <3



  • tristamus
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    tristamus polycounter lvl 9
    Nice website.

    I clicked on your Frank piece,and immediately turned off the music. It's very intrusive. I couldn't focus on your work, with that loud music lol...

    Other than that,it's nice and concise, and a well done enough site IMO.

    Just needs more pieces, so keep it up!
  • mikhga
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    mikhga polycounter lvl 8
    Looking overall pretty good. Solid website with the basic functionality needed available, easy to read and navigate, able to download images and so on. However, I see that some images aren't watermarked, you should really fix that.

    Also you could probably benefit from adding a "software proficiency" section to your resume, as well as condensing it a bit by splitting it up in two columns.

    Regarding your work, you could probably add some more information about each project, for instance texture budgets as well as some background information about each piece. Your Mailbox could use some more wear and tear, paint chipping and rust for example, which would make it fit better into the Cryengine scene you've got it rendered in.

    I probably can't give you any helpful feedback on your character work, since I'm not a character artist by any means, but it looks overall good, although maybe missing some final touches to make them really stand out.

    Hope that is to some help and just remember to keep on adding more work and work will find you in no time!
  • Mathew O
    Offline / Send Message
    Mathew O polycounter
    Thanks for the feedback guys, I'm Planning on having a good sort through on Saturday so I'll get watermarks sorted. Also I shall dirty up the mailbox some more, I was thinking of adding a bit of graffiti too. Thanks for your help guys.

    Any more crit from anyone would be brilliant :D
  • Mathew O
    Offline / Send Message
    Mathew O polycounter
    I was also thinking of adding a link to a blog that could contain WIP projects so that people could see my current work without having unfinished pieces on my folio. Do you guys think this'd be a good idea or would it just be annoying?

    Cheers guys :)
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