
Finally made the final render for this model, it's ment to be a cinematic model, clockin in at around 200k no displacement maps used.
A more detailed discription I also posted on
cgtalk and my
This is the first completed project after graduation. I started working on this right after finishing my previous character the asian mage. But went a year abroad to study fine arts. Now I finally had time to revisit and finish this piece, applying many lessons learned from the classical arts.
The overall workflow was very standard. I made a basemesh in maya, detailed it in a sculpting package ( in this case Mudbox ) and baked the result to a lower poly model. Texturing was done in Photoshop, Mudbox was used for projection painting. Rendering was completely done in Mental ray. Post effects such as the rays and atmosphere where applied in Photoshop.
The idea was to create fantasy character that could exist in the same world as my previous character, only representing a different culture, religion and personality.
Hope you guys like it, looking forward to the response.
Some thoughts:
*Closed the skirt up with the same lacy material from her shoulders. ie full skirt instead of half skirt with legs showing to increase 'verticality'
* Made the bonnet(?) taller to increase that level of peity and to again increase 'verticality'
* Raised the thigh guards up so they hang off her hip - this will make her seem taller without making her taller - to again increase verticality
Why so much verticality ? Clerics are faithful, devoted to a god or gods, you have god rays, or beams of holy light, these are all nice straight tall / vertical shapes so naturally making her something like that will make her seem closer to achieving her goals as a cleric whatever they may be
Hazardous, thanx for all the feedback ! You are the master of female characters.
All your suggestions are super clear, I am pretty much calling this render done. But there are two armour variations that I am thinking of making. And I'll defenaitly incorparete your tips in those designs
I've added the concepts below. ( Disclaimer they are 3 years old, already ) If you have more suggestions for those. That whould be awesome ! Also a paint-over for the upcomming two concepts whould be much apreciated if you see stuff that can be massively improved.
Also for the people, who are into the rendering sides of things such Wingednosering I added a close up of the cross below.There is so many detail in it that the wide shot doesn't really do it justed. All the little decorative things on the side are modeled in. And the inlay is just a nice high-rez texture.
Any chance of a quick breakdown on how you made this?